Houston, TX -- (SBWire) -- 05/06/2015 --While everyone has dreams and goals, most let their starting block in life determine their success. Having coached thousands of people around the world, Sam Hunsu knows that God blessed everyone with a very unique and in-demand set of gifts. In his compelling and potentially life-changing new book, Hunsu helps readers from all walks of life realize them.
Everything is exposed in 'Victory to Victory', a powerful blueprint of daily devotions for a productive and extra-ordinary life that is closely aligned with faith. It is words of wisdom millions have been waiting to hear, and it is now more accessible than ever before.
In this life transforming devotional book, you will discover what it takes to live a daily victorious life. No matter how horrible you thought things have gone in your life, you can start today to create a new beginning and have a victorious ending in all facets of life.
You will be inspired to live an extra-ordinary life. The Lord has invested a lot on you and you cannot afford to fail your generation. You are not here by accident. You are not a biological accident.
Here are few things you need to know about yourself:
-You are light to your generation
-You have been adopted by God
--You are a creature of destiny
-You are a creature of great value
-You are a special treasure to God
-You are a gift to your world
-You are peculiar specimen of God's glory
-You carry the kingdom of God inside you
-Your kind has never been seen before
-You are not an ordinary being but a supernatural being
-You have access to the divine nature of God here on earth
-The abilities of God are available to you
-You are in the class of Jesus
-You are special
-You are a god
-You are made to be distinguished
-You have an unusual grace and impeccable abilities
-You are priest and a king
-You have a kingly dominion that is to be manifested here on earth
-The entire world is not worth exchanging for your soul
-You are of much value in the sight of God
There's a potential in you that the world needs. No matter the level you've attained, there is still more room for improvement, development, expansion, and increase. You can still do more and do it even better.
God has loaded you with so many gifts that you cannot afford to standby. Where you are today notwithstanding, you can get up and influence your generation.
You are born as a star and God is commanding you to rise and shine brightly everywhere. It will be a heartrending and unfortunate thing and if you died with the deposit of God inside you unused.
Don't allow your background to put your back on the ground and leave you on the floor. Where you are born does not determine your destiny and success in life; the decision is yours to make.
Most people succeed in life, not because they have opportunity, but they have determination. Do not allow your present circumstances to move you to compromise your faith. Stretch yourself and soar beyond your personal gifts through determination, self-development, and discipline. You can make the world a better place.
You are sent here to proffer solution to impending economic, spiritual, financial or social problems. As you carefully apply the principles in this book, you will begin to live above failures and challenges of life on daily basis.
"Most people want to live a victorious life, on a daily basis, but have no idea where to start," explains the author, a proud member of the International Leadership Association and Association Of Leadership Educators.
"Here, I lay it all out for them. It doesn't matter where they started in life, they can transpose their experience on earth into something amazing, all the while remaining devoted and faithful to God. It's a message humanity has been waiting to hear."
Continuing, "It's all about embracing gifts, snapping up opportunities and overcoming setbacks put in your way. There's no shying away from the fact that life will throw everyone an abundance of social, relationship and economic curveballs; my book lays out a proven plan for rising above them all and emerging on top. I live by what I preach, and can vouch for the fact it is enlightening."
With the book's popularity increasing, interested readers are urged to secure their copies without delay.
'Victory To Victory', from New Dimension Evangelical Ministries, is available now: http://amzn.to/1QimaXA
About Sam Hunsu
Sam HUNSU is a sought after young dynamic international author, a visionary leader, a life coach, end time gospel crusader and a prophet. He is one of the leading practical teachers of the bible. His insight into the word of God is without comparison. His vision is to see the world delivered from all forms of oppression of devil and enjoy the benefits of regeneration.
A prestigious member, International Leadership Association, United States and Association Of Leadership Educators, United States. Sam is the President/Senior Pastor of New Dimension Evangelical Ministries Int'l, with their international headquarters in United States.
Sam Hunsu host a TV show, 'Moment of Inspiration' which broadcast worldwide. He is teachings has restored hope to the hopeless.
And with support of the wife and other ministers under his umbrella, they are out to restore the original plan of God to mankind. He is also the Publisher of Winning Strategies Magazine; a weekly International Magazine with Inspirational, Life Transforming, Self-Discovery and Destiny Changing contents.
Sam is the Co-Founder - Blessed Hand Foundation, an International Charity Organization with the vision to reach out to the unreached, with unbeatable passion to reduce poverty in Africa and other continents.
He is also a Professional Member of American Society of Authors and Writers, member of The American Society of Journalistic and Authors (ASJA), also a member of Media Associates International (MAI).
He has written several books which include:
Say It And Have It,
The Courageous,
Believers Secret Code,
Precious Than Gold
Rebranding Your Destiny
You Make A Difference
Power to prosper in a foreign land
Victory to Victory
Enough of Waiting, etc.
His lifestyles have affected many lives positively across the globe.
Victory to Victory: Transformative, Devotional New Book Guides Readers to a Victorious Life - Looking to Embrace the Lord's Gifts? Read On
Masterfully crafted by inspirational life coach, Sam Hunsu, ‘Victory To Victory’ will uplift anyone and empower them to create an extra-ordinary new life without compromising their faith. Many forget that they were blessed with a potential that the world needs. Through Hunsu’s globally-renowned wisdom, they can now put that potential into action to find victory in every corner of life.