San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 05/18/2015 --Handbags are a unique opportunity for fashion labels, as they are a necessary accessory for carrying essential items and at the same time a large canvas on which to make a bold statement. As a result, designer handbags are an industry in and of themselves, and that has caused a rush on prices that makes the most appealing bags too expensive for ordinary people to afford. DFO Handbags seeks to overcome that, by offering designer bags at close to wholesale prices. They have just introduced new ranges of Louis Vuitton handbags.
The Louis Vuitton Monogram bags are slightly larger than the average size, doubling as overnight or weekend bags, available in a range of dimensions and styles from the Metis Pochette to the Cindy Sherman Neverfull. These beautiful bags are of peerless quality, and yet available for little more than the price of a good fake.
The Louis Vuitton Damier collection is no doubt known to many fans of the bags as the classic Louis Vuitton handbag, and yet that too comes in a huge range of subtly different styles to help aficionados stand out from the crowd, with open top and messenger variants and new patterns.
A spokesperson for DFO Handbags explained, "We have expanded our collection of Louis Vuitton items significantly, but this still accounts for only a small proportion of our total stock, which includes classic labels like Gucci, YSL, Bvlgari and more. All our items come with amazing prices because we operate exclusively online, able to slash the mark up of expensive high street boutiques. We believe these latest additions will be some of the most popular this season, so we look forward to seeing them flying out of our stockroom and onto the streets."
About DFO Handbags
DFO Handbags began selling high quality designer handbags online in 2003. Since then they have pursued their vision to provide high quality luxury brand handbags at low prices, for budget conscious customers. They strive to provide the most professional customer service possible to ensure total customer satisfaction, and are one of the most reliable and reputable online suppliers for fabulous handbags and wallets.
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DFO Handbags Releases the Latest Louis Vuitton Damier and Canvas Handbags for Sale Online
DFO Handbags offers the very best bargains for luxury handbags, and has just released the latest Louis Vuitton monogram canvas bags and Damier handbags for fashion conscious bargain hunters.