ReleaseWire Announces Credit Monitoring as Most Recent Industry Reviewed (TBC) launches new reviews on credit monitoring companies. Credit monitoring was found to be an important industry to review due to the high demand of people looking to know their credit score.

Posted: Monday, June 01, 2015 at 1:12 PM CDT

San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 06/01/2015 (TBC) found the credit monitoring industry to be a highly recommended industry for consumers to know about and see what each company offered. TBC experts took the initiative to evaluate these companies and provide an unbiased ranking criteria allowing consumers to compare and evaluate each credit monitoring company and choose the most suitable company for them.

Many of the companies reviewed for credit monitoring can also be found on one of sister websites, (BIDTC). has been around for a long time, establishing themselves as a reputable website for consumers to learn more about identity theft protection and research many of the top companies for identity protection. Over the past few months experts from were able to coordinate and work with the identity theft experts and come up with a thorough ranking criteria to uncover who the most recommended companies for credit monitoring would be. In their review process they also uncovered many companies that are not highly recommended for credit monitoring.

Credit Monitoring companies have been reviewed according to the following criteria:

- Price
- Trial Detail
- Reports & Scores Provided
- Error Dispute
- BBB Rating
- Daily Monitoring
- Report & Credit Score Refreshes
- Data Security

TBC includes a portion of their ranking for their experts to score and provides consumers a voice by giving a percentage to the reviewer. All ranking points include a weighted percentage to truly evaluate performance and importance in the industry.

Further detail on the ranking criteria can be found at:
How We Rank Credit Monitoring

TBC's new release on the evaluated credit monitoring companies will provide customers with more knowledge about each company and give objective information on how they differ. This launch is just one of the new industries being launched this spring where real customer's can find real facts about a company.

For more information about the credit monitoring companies that have been reviewed please visit the following website:

Media Contact
Isaac Ericksen