Dreikoenigstrasse, Zurich -- (SBWire) -- 04/18/2011 -- By investing funds offshore of one's home country, there is an immediate benefit of protection against the troubles of the country's market or currency. Offshore investing can take many forms. Alternative investment vehicles often include a component of offshore investments, such as offshore real estate, or offshore farm land and agricultural production, or even offshore gold and silver storage.
Advantages of Offshore Investments as Alternative Investment Vehicles
Offshore investing once was for the ultra-wealthy, those sporting net worth's well North of $10 million. Now almost anyone can move funds into the more exciting and potentially profitable world of offshore investments. Knowledge of how to enjoy the advantages of offshore investing is much more expensive and rare than with standard home country investing however.
As an alternative investment, moving funds out of your country of origin has largely been a winning trade for the past decade when calculated with currency fluctuations. China, Brazil, and India have all offered higher returns during bulls markets then the U.S. stock indexes over the past decade for instance. While these markets can be played with ETF's, there are several key shares that must be purchased using offshore investing houses.
Some of the key advantages of offshore investing within an alternative investment framework include: higher potential returns than the domestic market, much broader range of stocks to choose from, often better pricing than domestic ETF's, early availability of smaller capitalized issues, protection against single market dependence in real estate, stocks, weather effects, political effects, and currency devaluations.
Much like domestic investing, offshore money management can steer towards main line investing in big projects or companies, or more towards alternatives to the main companies. While the risk can be greater with alternative investments, the rewards can be significantly higher and come much faster with a systematic approach to evaluating alternative investing ideas within an offshore portfolio.
Here are 6 ideas for moving funds offshore and potentially enjoying high alternative investment returns: offshore direct company investment, offshore private placements, offshore currency investment (FOREX), offshore fund investment, offshore gold and silver storage, offshore investment account denominated in a local currency, such as USA Dollar, Australian Dollar, Singapore Dollar, or GBP Pound.
These 6 offshore options for investing, can broaden a portfolio. Instead of only being dependent on major stock indexes, the above investments offer security against single market dynamics. Not only is there potential for higher returns, but potential for avoiding massive loses if all of your investments are based on one market and are susceptible to political, economic or natural disasters.
Dynamic Wealth Management Zurich, Switzerland is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors.
For more information go to http://www.dynamicwmanagement.com.
Dynamic Wealth Management Zurich, Switzerland Offshore Investments As an Alternative Investment Strategy