
Report Published: "Cambodia Power Report Q1 2015"

Recently published research from Business Monitor International, "Cambodia Power Report Q1 2015", is now available at Fast Market Research

Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 at 8:38 AM CST

Boston, MA -- (SBWire) -- 12/09/2014 --The major players in Asian power supply are clamouring to invest in Cambodia, with the result that huge capacity expansion can be expected from around 2015, as hydro - , gas - and coal-based schemes are introduced. This should leave the country with plentiful spare generation. Neighbouring Vietnam, which will finance a number of power projects, plans to make good use of Cambodia's potential export capability, as does Thailand if a major coal-fired scheme comes to fruition.

Hydropower expansion is already under way in Cambodia and there is a long queue of potential projects with strong regional backing. Several are set to proceed, with a surge in hydro-based supply due from about 2016. Domestic gas resources could contribute additional capacity, while the use of renewables is set to rise rapidly from a low base. New coal-fired stations are also in the planning stage, with Cambodia open to the long-term possibility of nuclear energy.

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Key trends and developments in the Cambodian electricity market:

- During the period 2014-2023, Cambodia's overall power generation is expected to increase by an annual average of 14.8%, reaching 10.2TWh. Driving this growth is a planned new gas-fired scheme that should enter service during the forecast period. Hydroelectric generation growth is set to average 22.7% per annum, with non-hydro renewables raising their annual contribution by more than 10.7% between 2014 and 2023.

- BMI forecasts average annual growth of 6.7% between 2014 and 2023. The population is expected to rise from the current level of 15.1mn to 17.7mn during the period to 2023, and net power consumption looks set to increase from an estimated 3.2TWh in 2014 to 8.9TWh by 2023. During the period 2014-2023, the average annual growth rate for electricity demand is forecast at 12.1%.

The Cambodia Power Report features Business Monitor International (BMI)'s market assessment and independent forecasts covering electricity generation (coal, gas, oil, nuclear, hydro and non-hydro renewables), electricity consumption, trade, transmission and distribution losses and electricity generating capacity.

The Cambodia Power Report also analyses the impact of regulatory changes, recent developments and the background macroeconomic outlook and features competitive landscapes comparing national and multinational operators by sales, market share, investments, projects, partners and expansion strategies.

Key Benefits

- Use BMI's independent industry forecasts for Cambodia to test other views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic planning in the power market.

- Target business opportunities and risks Cambodia's power sector through our reviews of latest power industry trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments in Cambodia

- Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Competitive Landscape analysis.


BMI Industry View

Summary of BMI's key industry forecasts, views and trend analysis, covering power markets, regulatory changes, major investments, projects and company developments.

Industry SWOT Analysis

Analysis of the major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within the power sector, and within the broader political, economic and business environment.

Regional Overview

The Regional Overview provides a comparative context from within which one can assess the relative profitability of the power industry in a given country, incorporating BMI's country risk macro forecasts into our regional analysis. They also detail any relevant issues or events that might cause market fluctuations, as well as evaluate the impact of existing power infrastructure and fresh investments on the regional market.

BMI Industry Forecasts

The Industry Forecasts provide historic data series and forecasts to end-2018 for electricity generation (TWh) and electricity generating capacity (MW) for each individual power segment present in the country. These forecasts are in turn supported by explicit assumptions, in conjunction with analysis of the key risks to the main forecast. These in turn are broken down into:

Electricity Generation forecasts for Thermal, Coal, Gas, Oil, Nuclear, Hydro and Non-Hydro Renewables. For this section, we provide information on electricity generation (TWh), % growth year-on-year, KWh per capita, and the % of total electricity generation. The thermal fuels (coal, gas and oil) also have figures for their % of total thermal electricity generation.

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