Santa Cruz, CA -- (SBWire) -- 05/21/2014 --Author Michael Mathiesen will lead the seminar and be picking who want to impact the Presidential Race in 2016 by including their individual companies and communities.
Mr. Mathiesen's new book "Using Google Super Vote to Create The Super States of America" is a detailed plan that demonstrates how to use the latest Internet Voting technology to save this country and later the world. This event will present the attendee with a front row seat view of the beginning of a new USA, one that utilizes the power of the Internet to pick more qualified candidates for office as well as more qualified ideas for this nation to pursue. He has a plan to use Google Super-Vote to help voters pick the next President of the United States in the 2016 Election.
The Kindle Book 'Using Google Super-Vote to Create The Super States of America is available on Amazon Kindle and in print on
Google Super-Vote is used currently to choose the viewers favorite contestants to be the next American Idol. Use this same Internet Technology to select from a wider range of candidates and a wider range of ideas.
"I became interested in real democracy in America when I was asked by President Nixon to join his highly immoral and unethical and highly destructive military machine and participate in the horror known as Viet Nam. It was this most perplexing moment in his life that made me realize there had to be a better way to conduct the affairs of what I and many millions of other people all over the world considered to be the greatest country of all time." Mr. Mathiesen stated.
This book is a product of his life-long quest to make this country honor the promise of Real Democracy and to end the Monarchical system have unfortunately devolved into.
"Everyone I knew, millions of Americans, were protesting against this war. Yet, one man, Lyndon Johnson and then his successor Richard Nixon defied the will of the vast majority of American people and decided to have his little war despite public opinion, citing 'The Silent Majority'," he stated.
"According to Nixon, most people supported him by their silence. Until the invention of the Internet, had no voice, so they could consider us a 'Silent Majority' and much of the evil in this world is perpetrated even today under this banner," he continued.
"George W. Bush got away with this same nonsense but this time squandered over Two Trillion of our dollars and thousands of our lives. With Google Super-Vote and the rest of the Internet's wonderful technology the MAJORITY need not, nor can be silent any longer," he said.
Google is perhaps the single greatest influence on our lives in the past few years more so than any other single entity. Recently Google has ventured into Immortality, Electric cars that drive themselves, Fiber-Optics, TV, movies, music and the famous big square barge in San Francisco Bay with radio antennae sticking out all over it. (To prevent NSA Spying on us - perhaps?) Why not allow this amazing group of talented and highly innovative engineers re-design our system of government so that America can once again regain her former glory as the best and most beloved nation on Earth?
Google's corporate motto is 'Do No Evil'. And, though, this motto expresses, a highly un-ambitious goal, at least they strive to do no harm to anyone every day. With Google making their Super-Vote technology available to all of the voting public in America today, they will be able to change their motto to 'Do Lots of Good' which is a far more positive and beneficial approach.
Why don't they let us use Google Super-Vote RIGHT NOW on things like how to Abolish the IRS, or cut the Pentagon's wasteful Budget. How about Abolishing Foreign Aid. How about cutting the salaries of all Federal workers to be equal to the average private sector salaries. Or how about voting on ways to create more JOBS in America? How to get all our troops out of Afghanistan, instead of wasting all of those lives and money. How about just voting for NEW PEOPLE, not just the same old re-treads from the two parties? Imagine the possibilities!
Above all - Why not use Google SuperVote to Abolish the NSA, the people who are spying on us? Where do they get the balls to do this to us? From US - BECAUSE have no VOICE in the matter. Until NOW - Let's unleash the power of Real Democracy on these turkeys. Google Super-Vote can do all that and much much more.
Fought a very important Revolutionary War to get ourselves as far away from Kings and Queens as possibly could, and yet, 200 years later, Find ourselves right back where started. Don't need another Revolutionary War to get back to our democratic principles and foundation, because Google gave us the clear and simple path forward.Must all get together now to learn how to use it. This seminar will establish real running tracks on that path. Bring running shoes.
This gathering is for anyone who is a true patriot and a true lover of freedom and democracy and who wants to see this country on the right footing once again. Using Google SuperVote, can accomplish everything the Founding Fathers of this great nation intended for us and can do it about five minutes, if all do their part. Get involved if love America and the values that millions have fought and died for.
Read this exciting new book first, and then decide if like to be part of the New Founding of the next version of America, what I call America 2.0 and come to our Kick-Off events this Summer in San Francisco and Hawaii.
Using Google Super Vote to Create The Super States of America
Can be found in Paperback or Kindle Versions at ->
TICKETS to the event can be found at:
Michael Mathiesen
San Francisco Vacation & Workshop - Using Google Super-Vote to Pick the Next President of the U.S.A
Google Super-Vote is currently used to pick the Winner of American Idol Singing contest. This workshop prepares for 2016 when use it to pick The President of the United States. Anyone with a web site can now run for President.