
Business Consultant Offers Insight on How Non-Medical Emergency Services Can Save on Rising Fuel Prices in Changing Economics Times

David Weinstein of Cherry Hill, NJ offers guidance, help and insight on how Non-Medical Emergency Services Can Save on Rising Fuel Cost.

Posted: Monday, March 05, 2012 at 8:00 AM CST

Cherry Hill, NJ -- (SBWire) -- 03/05/2012 --With fuel prices on the rise and changing from hour to hour in some cities, consultant David Weinstein has offered some insight for how to save money was these fuel costs continue to climb.

David Weinstein has experience as a healthcare consultant for over 25 years to State and Federal Governments as well as private companies. He notes that, typically fuel charges for non-emergency medical transportation companies can be as much as 20% to 30% of there bottom line. His experience in this industry allows him to offer great information on how to save on fuel costs prior to cutting services or lessening hours as a solution to ever-changing gas prices. According to Weinstein, “Owners of non-emergency medical transportation companies should take notice and prepare for rising fuel prices,” observes Weinstein.

When and if fuel prices double, it can have a devastating effect on these companies; however, Weinstein believes that there are inexpensive strategies to guard against oil shocks now or in the future. The easiest way for these companies to protect themselves is to buy fuel options. “This is a very easy and inexpensive way to insure against fuel spikes,” says Weinstein. If the oil price spikes, they can either sell the option or actually take delivery through an arrangement with a local gas station. If fuel prices drop, they can sell the option at a small loss or let it expire.

Companies can get started with this today. Options are available and can be found at

For more details regarding this product, contact David Weinstein at