Portland, OR -- (SBWire) -- 04/01/2013 --Celebrity sciatica exercises blogger and expert, Lisa Petrillo has discovered a new way to get rid of sciatica pain forever without ever having to do any sciatica exercises, stretches or even need to take prescription drugs, visit chiropractor or require surgery. This method does not require any type of effort by the sciatica pain suffer to get rid of the pain. It's a 100% natural method that was only discovered 10 years ago. However due to mainstream media’s indifference to natural methods of cure it has been very difficult to get significant amounts of sciatica sufferers to read about these methods. For more in depth analysis on the breakthrough discovery please visit : http://sciaticaexercisestorelievepain.com
Mrs. Petrillo discovered this permanent solution to sciatica pain without the need for sciatica exercises over 10 years ago after many years of her own personal sciatica pain suffering. She was tired of taking prescription pain relief drugs and tired of chiropractor visits that only provided temporary relief of her sciatica pain but the relief was very short-lived. She spent many hours searching on the Internet for natural methods to relieve sciatica pain and finally stumbled upon 2 e-books that detailed similar methods that were supposed to cure sciatica pain. After ordering these books and reading them she quickly realized that the sciatica pain began to subside, then, almost miraculously, the sciatica pain in her life was cured. Months and years later the sciatica pain never returned so now she devotes 100% of her time on her blog to teach her visitors that sciatica pain cures are a reality. The problem is that most doctors and chiropractors almost prefer that you make repeat visits to them rather than instructing you on how to cure your sciatic pain forever.
Mrs. Petrillo adds: "I was so sick and tired of visiting chiropractors and doctors and hearing the same thing, such as sciatica pain is a chronic condition. I refused to believe that and just wanted to free my body of sciatica pain forever. So I spent countless hours doing research and finally found the solution that chiropractors or doctors may already know what were hesitant to fill me in on."
About Lisa Petrillo’s blog, SciaticaExercisesToRelievePain.Com
Lisa Petrillo is a sciatica exercises expert and blogger that devotes most of her time educating her visitors on ways to cure their own specific sciatica pain. She recommends different methods and books to read that have cured her own sciatica pain and that of her daughter who also has been a sciatica pain sufferer for many years before she also discovered a way to get rid of it forever.
Sciatica Exercise Blogger and Expert Discovers a Permanent Sciatica Pain Solution