
Shades of Grey Challenged by Bluelite Messenger

The Blue vs. the Grey? Civil War of the Kindles? This could get interesting.

Posted: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 at 11:35 AM CDT

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 10/03/2012 --“I applaud the success of a fellow author, of course,” remarks Michael An’gileo. “But it’s a complete lie to believe women want pain over true love.”

The self-published author of The Bluelite Message, An’gileo admits the timing of their two books is remarkable. He’s, of course, referring to the runaway bestseller, Fifty Shades of Grey and its global franchise.

“My book begins with a male hero, Keith Dartman, embarked on a journey to mend the broken hearts of women of the world. They’re prisoners of their own pain.”

Keith shares the Bluelite Message by a Magic Dance. It’s performed with the 12 women in the book, members of the mystical Circle Tribe. These women wear a sparkling blue light upon their eyes.

“Keith reconnects the women of the book to their spiritual center. They heal themselves of their past heartbreaks. It’s the experience women truly want.”

The Bluelite Message tells this contemporary story and concludes with a 22-word message of light, ending with these profound words, “We are not of pain... but of Infinite Love.”

An’gileo’s readers share this message by text, tweet and word of mouth around the world. Apparently, it’s catching on.

“Human beings are fascinated by pain. It holds so much power over us.” An’gileo is quick to add, “But the ultimate power of the world is Love -- infinite and indestructible -- that always wins in the end. Women get this."

An’gileo wrote the book for the broken-hearted women of the world. The first chapter of the book launches the crusade.

“Women are so important to the future of the planet, our movement into a new era of compassion and spiritual awakening. They long for real meaning in their lives.”

When asked if his readers prefer the message of “Blue” to the message of “Grey,” he responds with a glimmer in his eye.

“Women are shocked when they read The Bluelite Message. They can’t believe a guy wrote this book -– that any man cared enough to do this.”

He adds, “It gives them hope. That true love really exists.”

"I assure you, it absolutely does."

The Bluelite Message, Published by CreateSpace, is available from:


Amazon: ,

Barnes & Noble and other distribution channels worldwide.

For the The Bluelite Message launch page, please visit

The book’s progress can also be followed on Facebook:

To follow the progress on Keith Dartman, please visit his official Twitter feed:

About the Author: Michael An'gileo
Michael An'gileo was born in Kenmore, New York, was raised and attended schools in Los Angeles, including the University of Southern California, where he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Cinema. The Bluelite Message is the message of our time, a sparkling light sent to our timely aid, here to unite the planet around the principle of limitless love. Its 22-word message of light is crisscrossing the globe and opening human hearts everywhere.