
Simplilearn Americas Announces Discount for Lean Six Sigma Online Courses

Courses help prepare students for Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, reports

Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 9:45 AM CDT

Houston, TX -- (SBWire) -- 09/11/2014 --Simplilearn Americas, LLC today announced a discount aimed at making its online courses accessible to more students. This discount will allow new course registrants to save 25 percent on tuition fees, and applies to all of its IT-related and managerial courses such as its lean six sigma black belt certification course. The black belt certification allows professionals to prove understanding of two other certifications: Lean and Six Sigma.

The Lean program is, as its name implies, a set of methods for reducing waste in processes and operations. Six Sigma, on the other hand, is a method for reducing variations in processes. Together, the two programs help companies save money by reducing waste, errors, and inefficiency.

"The lean six sigma certification is good for professionals who already have a good background in statistics and are either in quality management roles or seeking to get into those roles. It allows them to demonstrate proficiency at integrating Lean Six Sigma into a long-term continuous improvement program, apply enterprise-wide DMAIC projects, and improve job performance. These things, in turn, allow certified graduates to improve their career chances either at their current companies or at future ones," said David Moyes of Simplilearn Americas.

As with Simplilearn's other courses, the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification series is available in several forms. There's a course to help people prepare for lean six sigma certification online via a self-learning program, an online course that's led by an instructor, a self-learning course that includes a practice exam, and one with a mini-lab. This allows students to tailor their learning experience and included extras to meet their specific learning styles and help with particular goals.

Another option offered by Simplilearn is corporate on-site training. With this teaching method, Simplilearn's instructors come to a site designated by a corporation and teach designated staff members about Lean Six Sigma and prepare them for Black Belt Certification. This is a good choice for companies that want to get previously-uncertified managers into the system rather than hiring new ones. By sticking with current staff, companies are able to retain people who know of the company's current culture and methods and who will be able to see where changes need to be made.

"We also offer two sets of practice tests," added Moyes. "This is because the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt program is quite detailed and complex, so many people feel more confident if they can get a look at questions that will be similar to the ones on the exam. While these practice tests don't duplicate the exam questions, they allow people to see what type of questions will be asked and to identify any aspects of study that they should put more attention on."

About Simplilearn Americas, LLC
Simplilearn Americas offers a wide variety of self-led online training courses, instructor-led courses, and on-site training options for a variety of certifiable management programs and IT systems. It is currently offering a 25 percent discount on online training to make it even easier for prospective students to enroll and enhance their career opportunities.

Simplilearn Americas LLC