Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 02/09/2016 --Brigitte Boyea has been a public channel and instrument of the Hierarchy of Light for over 11 years. In her role as a Master Channel and Bridge to the Ascended Masters and Angels of Light, she will be the voice and instrument for many of them during the radio show.
St. Germain, channeled by Brigitte Boyea and co-host of this show, begins this new 13 week series of "The Power of Transformation – Pathway to Enlightenment" by focusing on the relationship between the light and the darkness within all of creation. As we use this understanding in the midst of facing obstacles and challenges, much transformation can take place.
Just like the sun is the giver of life on Earth, you, too, hold a powerful radiant light within you that can be used as an effective tool of manifestation. During this show Saint Germain will call forth a unique ray of love and gentleness and download it into you. This can offer much needed comfort during these times of intense change and continued awakening. It will also strengthen the fire of your own inner hearth as another source of love, power and illumination.
In the second episode, St. Germain will continue by addressing relationships in general. Often in our relationships, we become impatient, disillusioned or our hearts ache because of unfulfilled dreams, expectations or unrequited love. Yet any relationship in the outer world is a representation of the relationship we have with our own Self. Therefore they are such powerful tools of self-healing if approached appropriately.
St. Germain will take you on another journey, this time into your sacred heart. There you will obtain a greater understanding of old wounds and scars that are still holding you back from the experience of divine love here on Earth. You will be offered a deep infusion of the pink ray of love and light by Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity to open your heart further. It is time for you to receive the endless flow of love the Universe has in store for you.
Much has been written about St. Germain, some of it true and some of it a human interpretation to conceptualize the unexplainable. His intent for creating this radio show series is not only to assist you in the transformation of your own personal life, but also in the transformation of planet Earth through you as a channel and instrument of the Divine Hierarchy Of Light.
His main message is always one of love and empowerment to give you the courage to delve deep into your own inner Self to uncover the beauty of your true divine essence and radiance.
New episodes of "The Power of Transformation - Pathway to Enlightenment" with Brigitte Boyea and St. Germain are broadcast every Wednesday at 8 pm Eastern Time and 5 pm Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel. Archives of this as well as all past radio show series are available, too.
Please go to under the 7th Wave Channel option and look us up for more information or go directly to our host page at
You can also visit Brigitte Boyea's website at for more information on her and her services.
We are also excited to announce that Mike Snyder will add his beautiful channeled music to the radio shows again to assist in the downloading and integration of the rays of love, light and power that are being offered to everyone. For more information on his healing services, recorded music and events offered in the past, please visit his website at
The inspired picture of St. Germain was created by Eva Sullivan. For more information on her and her artwork, please visit her website at
The Power of Transformation - Pathway to Enlightenment with Brigitte Boyea and St. Germain Channeled Guidance from the Divine
The Power of Transformation - Pathway to Enlightenment with Brigitte Boyea and St. Germain, is a unique radio show supervised, guided and directed by St. Germain, Master of Transformation, and channeled by Brigitte Boyea. New episodes are broadcast every Wednesday at 8 pm Eastern Time, 5 pm Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel. The focus of this new 13 week series is on the relationship of opposing forces such as light and darkness, love and fear, and the opportunity for transformation it offers. Different divine Masters and Angels as representatives of the Hierarchy of Light will also be introduced throughout this series to offer their wisdom to the audience.