
Diet Doc Announces New Diet Plan to Boost Thrifty Metabolisms

A “thrifty” metabolism has been found to cause weight gain in some people. Diet Doc created a great new diet plan to help dieters naturally and safely boost a thrifty metabolism for effective weight loss.

Posted: Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 10:15 AM CDT

Boston, MA -- (SBWire) -- 05/14/2015 --Recent studies, reported in sources as venerable as Time magazine, have led scientists to believe that the main reason some gain weight while others lose weight is linked to what scientists are referring to as a "thrifty metabolism". The term reflects the idea that some people's metabolism is naturally more active than others', labeling those less active as "thrifty". As part of a comprehensive weigh loss system, the Diet Doc diet plan uses a combination of nutritionist designed food plans, medical supervision and guidance, and potent diet aids to try and naturally balance the body's metabolism, helping those who have struggled to lose weight in the past, possibly due to a thrifty metabolism, finally shed those unwanted pounds.

The new study from the National Institutes of Health, published May 11 in Diabetes, has finally used science to reinforce the long-held belief that some people simply lose weight easier than others, and that this disparity in difficulty is caused by variances in metabolism. Scientists studied 12 men and women suffering from obesity in the facility's metabolic unit, taking baseline measurements of the participants' energy expenditure in response to a day of fasting, followed by a six-week inpatient phase of 50 percent calorie reduction. The study concludes that "After accounting for age, sex, race and baseline weight, the researchers found that the people who lost the least weight during the calorie-reduced period were those whose metabolism decreased the most during fasting. Those people have what the researchers call a "thrifty" metabolism, compared to a "spendthrift" metabolism in those who lost the most weight and whose metabolism decreased the least."

The aim of Diet Doc's new medically supervised weight loss system is to help users naturally and safely balance their metabolism, using a combination of doctor oversight, nutritionist designed eating plans and potent prescription diet aids, all working in coordination to naturally and safely balance a thrifty metabolism. Unfortunately, some are naturally blessed with a fast metabolism. What Diet Doc's weight loss system does is give help those with a thrifty metabolism their metabolism gain the ability to quickly burn excess fat.

Once dieters are ready to take control of their thrifty metabolism, they only need to contact a Diet Doc professional and schedule a private consultation with a Diet Doc physician. Diet Doc's weight loss professionals remain available for unlimited consultations, six days per week, to answer client's questions about their metabolism diet plans, offer suggestions and recommendations for faster weight loss or simply provide encouragement and support during the client's weight loss journey.

During their initial consultation, dieters will speak directly with a Diet Doc physician, each specially trained in the field of safe and fast weight loss, and who can identify underlying causes of weight gain, such as an internal imbalance, improperly functioning internal organs or, as is often the case, a thrifty metabolism. The physician will then begin creating a personalized diet plan around the patient's age, gender, health history, and lifestyle preferences. Each patient will also have access to physician prescribed weight loss aids, diet pills and treatments focused on increasing the speed that they are able to see results and eliminating negative side effects of dieting, like cravings, fatigue or weakness.

About Diet Doc Weight Loss
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

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