
Tim Levy Talks About SEO and Metadata on Popular Radio Shows

Posted: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 9:27 AM CDT

Austin, TX -- (SBWire) -- 05/21/2014 --Technology and management consultant Tim Levy was recently on several radio shows. He appeared on the KW Magazine radio show and The Kelly Alexander Show discussing Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the science and art of using various techniques to better position a website or blog in search engine results, and the term is most commonly associated with the Google Search Engine. Tim Levy is a consultant to CEOs on mindset, technology and trends. He is the author of "The Google Gamble: The CEO's Guide to Traffic, Conversion and the Mysteries of S.E.O."

While much of the discussion revolving around SEO turns on various techniques, or tricks, to getting content to the top of the Google Search Engine, Tim takes a different approach. While talking to host John Maciel on the KW Magazine program, Tim said that while he has no insider knowledge of Google's 'secret sauce', he does believe, "that everything Google does, every algorithm they devise, is all about doing one thing and that is giving the best answer to a user's question."

Tim Levy ( consultants with top CEOs and Fortune 500 companies. Lately, he has authored a number of books aimed at owners of small businesses. He recommends that CEO's and small business owners pay attention to content rather than tricks, and in the both interviews discusses the effective use of metadata, that anyone can use who wants to improve their ranking in any of the search engines.

Every business owner should be observant of the rules of the road for SEO, and be mindful of hiring SEO 'experts' who claim they have the inside scoop and a bag of tricks to get a website to the #1 position. This, Tim points out, can actually have the reverse effect and get a website downgraded in the search engines.

Tim appeared on the Kim Alexander show on March 20, discussing how to do SEO inexpensively. There he talked about effective ways to think about SEO, saying, "Ignore the acronym and think about what it means. If you get this right, people will find you. If you fail to get this right, people will not find you through search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, which means everybody on the net."

He gave advice on how to use Wordpress to do much of the job of SEO using plugins (similar to apps) that are available for free.

The Kelly Alexander Show talks about current affairs, lifestyle, health, education & entertainment. Tim Levy's appearance on March 20th can be heard on the podcast for episode #212 by going to

About Tim Levy
Tim Levy is an author, speaker, consultant and coach. He works with CEOs and entrepreneurs on clarity, strategy and mindset. He routinely speaks for peak organizations like Vistage International, CEOSpace International and Secret Knock. He has a particular focus on web technology and digital content including books, CDs, online training and broadcast television. He is the author of several non-fiction books focusing on business strategy and personal growth, and in addition has written children's books as well.

Tim Levy
Austin, TX