
Understanding the Law when Hurt at Work

Things that need to be done if there is an injury at work

Posted: Friday, June 20, 2014 at 9:00 AM CDT

Quakertown, PA -- (SBWire) -- 06/20/2014 --When a person gets hurt at work there are certain things that must be done soon after to make sure that the law works in that person’s favor. Workers’ compensation exists just for this reason, so if one does get hurt at work then coverage for medical expenses will be covered, if it is reasonable, necessary, and related to the accepted work injury. It is the injured worker’s responsibility to report the injury and ensure that the employer knows what happened and that it actually occurred at work.

Things that must be done if there is an injury at work

1. Report the accident to a supervisor as quickly as possible. Request to file an Injury Report and that the work injury be reported to the employer’s Workers’ Compensation Carrier.

2. Ensure that the employer, did in fact file an Injury Report. If the report has not been filed, then the injured party will write a statement that explains the details of the accident and give it to the supervisor. Also a signed copy will be collected for future records.

3. Make copies of all paperwork received from the employer. Keep one set and if there is an attorney involved, more copies will be needed for the attorney.

4. If the injured party is a union member, then notification to the union of the work injury needs to be made as well.

5. Keep a documented log of all visits to doctors, conversations with anyone about the accident and any documents received.

6. If the injured party cannot work after the accident, then the employee will be treating with one of the panel physicians, if the employer provided a list of panel providers, both at the time of hire and at the time of reporting of the injury. There will need to be a paper trail of doctor reports that support the reasons for not being able to work.

7. Be very detailed with the doctor about the injury and how it affects affects work and everyday personal life. Explain job duties at work, and the employee is unable to complete tasks that are performed on the job. Explain exactly what happened during the accident, in great detail.

8. If the doctor recommends a light duty return to work, then the doctor must detail in writing the physical capacities, including weights to be lifted or carried, and what duties can and cannot be performed. The doctor should list each physical restriction as well. Make a copy of this for record keeping.

9. Follow up with doctors, therapists and any professionals who have been seen during treatments. Keep the attorney advised of medical status, as medical expert testimony will be taken to support your case.

10. If medical treatment has been denied, advise the attorney right away, so that the proper legal steps can be taken to attempt to get the proper treatment.

To have all questions answered about any type of Workers’ Compensation case in Pennsylvania, contact Paula Robinson of Robinson Law LLC, for your free initial consultation. Aggressive, yet Compassionate Representation with 27 years of experience to serve.

About Robinson Law
Robinson Law offers legal services as a claimant representative in two main areas of practice: Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability. Robinson Law, LLC has been designed as a resource for clients and potential clients to educate, provide useful resources, and to answer frequently asked questions regarding processes and claims. Paula Robinson personally handles all cases and will review cases prior to making a professional recommendation. Please visit Robinson Law, LLC at or contact Paula Robinson directly at 215.530.7166.

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