
United States LTE Market Development to 2018 (Subscribers, Coverage, Technology Upgrades)

Posted: Monday, October 13, 2014 at 12:14 PM CDT

Dallas, TX -- (SBWire) -- 10/13/2014 --Reaching mass market in 2014

- The USA is one of the most advanced LTE markets in the world in terms of subscribers, coverage, technology upgrades.
- Our estimates for LTE subscriptions in December 2013, based on the data from our LTE Watch service, indicate 300 million subscriptions at year-end 2018.
- This report presents the deployment status of LTE in the USA and player strategies to reposition the LTE wireless business model.

Slideshow contents

- LTE market status in the USA: first country to exceed the 100 million subscriptions mark
- LTE market status in the USA: LTE reached mass market with intense price war
- Pricing strategies: the end of unlimited data plans
- Device strategies: shared plans and end of high subsidies
- Service strategies: content and additional revenue streams
- Network strategies: investments, spectrum and technologies

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Methodology

3.LTE market status in the USA
3.1.Several major factors are pulling the US LTE ecosystem
3.2.Deployment status
3.2.1.Subscriber numbers and forecasts
3.2.2.Population coverage
3.2.3.LTE theoretical and commercial speeds
3.2.4.LTE ARPU and churn

4.Player LTE strategies
4.1.Pricing strategies
4.1.1.Upgrade plans
4.1.2.Evolve towards volume-based tiered pricing (the end of unlimited data plans)
4.1.3.Push network prioritization (or data throttling practices)
4.1.4.Push alternative financing with content providers (toll-free plans)
4.2.Device strategies
4.2.1. Introduce shared plans
4.2.2.Decoupling the device from the service
4.2.3.Handset upgrades and device leasing
4.2.4.Access to hotspots
4.3.Service strategies
4.3.1.Content strategies
4.3.2.Plans to increase ARPU/ARPA
4.3.3.Connected car
4.3.4.In-flight connectivity
4.3.5.eMBMS/ LTE Broadcast
4.3.6.LTE fixed broadband
4.4.Network strategies: investment, spectrum, technologies
4.4.1.Investment issues
4.4.2.Spectrum issues

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List of Tables

Table 1: Population coverage for the four main US players at four different times
Table 2: LTE theoretical and commercial speeds
Table 3: Selective key KPI for the four main US players
Table 4: Overview of family/shared plans for Tier 1 US players: 10 GB data included, four lines
Table 5: Verizon Wireless cloud storage offer
Table 6:Home Fusion tariffs from Verizon Wireless
Table 7: AWS-3 spectrum planned arrangements

List of Figures

Figure 1: LTE subscriptions growth in the USA
Figure 2: LTE market shares in the USA, December 2013
Figure 3:Population coverage for the four main US players at four different times
Figure 4: LTE speeds according to T-Mobile
Figure 5:Viewdini application
Figure 6: The Simple Choice plan by T-Mobile
Figure 7: Possible services for connected cars
Figure 8: The new value proposition of share data plan AT&T from summer 2014
Figure 9: Verizon 4G LTE Broadband Router with Voice
Figure 10: Total wireless capex/wireless revenues for the four main US MNOs over the last two years
Figure 11: Data speed improvement resulting from Sprint tri-band LTE network
Figure 12: New 700 MHz Block A licenses resulting from the purchase of spectrum to Verizon
Figure 13: The 700 MHz band in the USA
Figure 14:Initial proposal for 5 GHz band extension modified with the April 2014 decision

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