Dallas, TX -- (SBWire) -- 10/13/2016 --Most people do NOT love themselves! This is so prevalent in today's society that no one has ever been able to create a statistic around it. In Zemirah Jaswierska's new bestseller, ShangriLOVE: Living Your Love Story Within You, she shares her life experiences in her journey to her discovery that true happiness does not come from the external world but internally by starting with self-love.
Shangri-Love is that place within a person's heart where there is an eternal pool of love that is vast and deep. This is one's unification with Spirit and it is unchanging. By utilizing the tools in this book and contemplating the love nuggets shared here, the reader is invited to live with a deep devotion to their beautiful heart and to spend time truly awakening the multifaceted, infinite layers of the divine that exists within them. In doing so, they will assume full responsibility for living their love story full out.
Zemirah explains, "The more you seek the love that is already within you, the more you will experience a fully integrated self, heart, mind, and life. The more you will become fully immersed in a grander picture of life, feeling whole and complete as you navigate life's ups and downs."
About Zemirah, Ed.S, RScP
Zemirah, Ed.S, RScP, a speaker, author and coach, has worked as a licensed school psychologist for the past 16 years. She specializes in teaching the impact of neurology, brain science, and executive functioning on child development and learning. She is a licensed spiritual practitioner through the Centers for Spiritual Living and is certified by Heartmath®, and as a Neurosculpting® Facilitator and Parenting Coach.
As author of the blogs at kidsrelaxation.com and Shangri-love.com, her relaxation techniques are used in educational systems throughout the United States. She recently launched the first in the Kids Relaxation Book Series: Deep Breathing for Kids and Guided Imagery for Kids (eBook versions). Zemirah's writing on how photography is related to spiritual experience was featured in Carl Studna's book Click. Other notable literary works include features in the International Bestselling anthologies, Pebbles in the Pond Wave Three, (2014) and My Big Idea Book, (2016).
Zemirah loves to inspire kids, parents, teachers, therapists, and educators to have fun, finding animation and engagement with their relaxation practice. She is equally passionate about inspiring women to live their greatest expression in life by looking deeply within their own hearts. She nurtures and gently guides clients to realize their own inherent brilliance and spiritual nature. Zemirah is available for interviews.
ShangriLOVE – Living Your Love Story Within You is available on Amazon.com
Book preview: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M21O6E8
CONTACT: Pam Murphy
Expert Insights Publishing
PHONE: 214-336-7972
Email: editor@getexpertinsights.com
Why Do People Not Love Themselves? New Bestseller, Shangrilove Divulges Blueprint on Loving Yourself