
World Tour for Eckankar Explores Near-Death Experiences and Inner Guidance

Author Anne Archer Butcher explores near-death experiences and inner guidance on a world tour for her new book Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright (Eckankar, 2014, Locally she will speak at the ECKANKAR Maryland Regional Seminar, at Towson University, Towson, MD on June 20-22, 2014.

Posted: Friday, June 13, 2014 at 9:22 AM CDT

Towson, MD -- (SBWire) -- 06/13/2014 --Anne Archer Butcher, author and survivor of a near-death experience, has written a new book that chronicles how inner guidance led her into deep dimensions of spiritual reality and enhanced daily living. At each event in this world tour, the author presents the message: “Daily wisdom from inner guidance is available to everyone.” Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright (Eckankar, 2014) spans 30 years of miraculous encounters with inner guidance that gave the author spiritual survival skills and unique approaches to better living.

Locally, the author will be a guest speaker at the Eckankar Maryland Regional Seminar at Towson University, Towson, MD, June 20-22, 2014. She will also give a workshop on inner guidance followed by a book signing on June 19, 2014 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Breathe Books in Baltimore, MD. 810 W 36th Street, “The Avenue” in Hampden, Baltimore, MD 21211.

For more information contact, Tony Cornish at 301-762-2393 []. The event is a community service presented by Eckankar in Maryland offering insights and spiritual tools for people of all faiths.

Archer Butcher says, “We all have access to the exceptional spiritual tool of inner guidance. Its transformative power can unerringly direct and enlighten our every thought, word, and deed. It opens the door of the heart to divine assistance. We can tune into our inner guidance at an ever higher and more personal level and transform our lives in every way.”

Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright offers powerful keys to:
- conquer fears
- resolve karmic ties
- face challenges with ease
- enhance inner guidance
- recognize daily miracles
- live a more spiritually-oriented life

Readers have been engaged by spell-binding stories in Archer Butcher’s book, showing inner guidance at work, including the compelling story of how inner guidance saved her life when she was rescued by dolphins from a shark attack. See

The Leading Edge Review states that “Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright is a truly intriguing, inspiring, and insightful read for anyone, regardless of their faith or belief system.”

Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright (ISBN 978-1-57043-385-6), published in October 2013 and already in its second printing, is offered at bookstores and online booksellers, or from Eckankar (

About Anne Archer Butcher
Anne Archer Butcher, author of Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright is an international speaker, writer, award-winning producer, and a member of the Eckankar clergy. In telling the stories of her incredible range of spiritual experiences—from a profound near-death experience to miracles in daily life—she shares the unique spiritual toolkit of the Eckankar teachings.

About Eckankar
Eckankar ( is a nonprofit religious organization and church with members in over one hundred countries. The spiritual home of Eckankar is the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Eckankar is not affiliated with any other religious group. Its purpose is to help individuals find their way back to God through direct, personal spiritual experiences. The word Eckankar means “Co-worker with God.” Eckankar teaches simple spiritual exercises, such as singing HU, to experience the Light and Sound of God and recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit. A modern-day religion with ancient roots, Eckankar was reintroduced in 1965. Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master is the spiritual leader of Eckankar today.

Anne Archer Butcher