
"Xocai Taiwan" Introduces New MXI Corp Xophoria Anti-Aging Crème with the Antioxidant Power of Dark Chocolate for Taiwan Distributors in Changhua City

Posted: Friday, May 17, 2013 at 3:16 PM CDT

Changhua City, Taiwan -- (SBWire) -- 05/17/2013 --XOPHORIA
The Xophoria Anti-Aging Skin Care System helps women and men enjoy radiant, youthful, rejuvenated and “happy” skin!

Xophoria lifts mood, promotes “Euphoria,” relieves stress and triggers endorphins:
Cacao triggers neurotransmitters to release endorphins for mood-boosting effects.
Vitex delivers phyto-endorphin complex for mood-enhancing benefit.

Stimulates elastin and collagen production:
Vitex sloughs the old and rejuvenates new skin and enhances overall skin protection.

Gentle Cleansing:
Xophoria gently cleanses and opens pores for maximum nutrient absorption.
Preserves skin’s natural lipids and optimal pH balance.

Reduce Forehead Wrinkles:
Palmitoyl Tripeptide-38 stimulates synthesis of 6 major constituents of skin matrix to eliminate wrinkles.
Vitex relieves stressed skin and relaxes lines.

Lightens Age Spots:
Oligopeptide-68 reduces uneven skin pigmentation and lightens dark spots.

Reduce Smile Lines:
Vitex stimulates collagen and smooths lines.
Cacao minimizes fine lines & wrinkles.

Provides Protection from Free Radicals:
Acaí, blueberry and grape seed safeguard from free radicals created by sun radiation – protect yourself from the sun year-round.
Cacao provides optimal free radical protection.

Improves Uneven Skin Tone:
Cacao helps smooth dimpled skin.
Stabilized Vitamin C freshens dull skin tone.

Reduces Redness:
Aloe soothes irritated & damaged skin.
Licorice root extract relieves inflammation.

Softens and Smooths Skin Texture:
Vitex rejuvenates overall skin texture and complexion: make skin glow
Beta glucan rehydrates, restructures and repairs

Delivers Deep Absorption and Moisturization:
Beet root delivers deep moisturizing for men and women with dry skin
Olive fruit provides a moisturizing affect.
Squalane prevents water/moisture loss from skin surface.

Minimizes Crow’s Feet:
Cacao smooths fine lines & wrinkles.
Palmitoyl Tripeptide-38 rebuilds skin structure.

Tightens and Lifts:
Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester firms skin and reduces slacking/sagging skin.

Reduces Pores:
Pore-reduction formula tightens/minimizes pores for smoother finish, less shine

1. Xophoria’s active cacao compounds are encapsulated into exclusive lipid structures called “Theospheres.”
2. Theospheres penetrate the layers of the skin, where they release cacao’s active compounds to bind with skin cell receptor sites.
3. This triggers the skin cells to release neurotransmitters called endorphins, which are “feel good/pleasure” chemicals also produced in the brain. Endorphins also travel to other organ systems and can “de-stress” or relax your skin, muscles and immune system. This is fantastic news for busy, stressed-out South Jordan and Draper men and woman.

Theospheres deliver cacao active compounds to skin. Active compounds bind to receptor sites, releasing neurotransmitters/endorphins. Endorphins travel to the brain, producing “feel-good” effects to the brain “Xophoria unlocks the natural skin-enhancing benefits of cacao and other nutrients to help you look great and feel even better!” — Dr. Gordon Pedersen, ND Board-Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine

"Xocai Taiwan" Introduces New MXI Corp Xophoria Anti-Aging Crème that Harnesses the Antioxidant Power of Dark Chocolate with Revolutionary Neurocosmetic Technology for Taiwan Distributors in Changhua City with #1 Money Earning Distributor Adam Green based in Carlin County

There are many natural functional foods in virtually every food group. As we all know, chocolate itself is a functional food if it contains sufficient antioxidants and flavonoids. However, it is now possible for manufacturers to create functional foods by fortifying and enhancing their products to give them added health benefits never before possible. A new growing segment of functional food is called "probiotics." Probiotic means "fit for life," or "pro-life." Probiotics are living microorganisms which when administered effectively in adequate amounts confer health benefits. The adult intestinal tract is home to approximately 100 trillion microorganisms. More than 400 different bacterial species have already been identified in the intestinal tract.

First, in order to be effective Probiotics must contain bacteria which are resistant to stomach acids and bile salts. Secondly, the bacteria must have the capacity to compete successfully with the indigenous intestinal bacteria. So, either the bacteria must be protected by the use of encapsulation techniques, or new types of foods must be developed which offer increased protection for the bacteria. The key to the effectiveness of probiotic treatment is for the bacteria to be able to pass through the stomach and the small intestines reaching the large intestines with sufficient strength to colonize and flourish.

SHIME stands for "The Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem." This in vitro system was created to simulate the activities and conditions found in the stomach, small intestines, and large intestines. This enables scientists to monitor the quantity of bacteria that survive the journey to the large intestines. And, it also enables them to monitor the development of the bacterial colonies in the large intestines.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, 95 million Americans suffer from digestive problems. Some 60 million have heartburn, 50 million have irritable bowel syndrome, and 20 million suffer from stomach ulcers. Many, many new probiotic products have been launched in North America and Europe. But, we have a distinct advantage. Chocolate appears to be the ideal delivery system for probiotics.

The Xoçai® XoBiotic™ chocolate will be in the form of an 11-gram square and will deliver 1 billion microorganisms of two types - Lactobacillus Helveticus R0052 and Bifido Bacterium Longum R0175. These probiotics have been selected for our probiotic chocolate because of their stability in chocolate and their guaranteed shelf life equal to the shelf life of the chocolate itself, if properly stored as recommended for all Xoçai® products (40*F - 75*F). By marrying the health benefits of dark chocolate with those of these two probiotic cultures, which have a positive influence on immune and gut health, we gain new opportunities.,,,

About MXI Corp
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in great tasting, healthy, dark, chocolate products.  MXI Corp was founded upon the same solid foundation that the Brooks’ family used to build their enormous Pure Delite Low Carb Chocolate company (circa 2000) which had retail sales in Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven, Rite-Aid and Walgreen’s of over $300,000,000.  All MXI products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao.  MXI-Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants and Polyphenols that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs.  The Xoçai™ (sho-sigh) line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals.  MXI is recognized as the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate.  The vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its unique chocolate products.  One unique element of the company’s formulations is their proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí and blueberries, called XoVita™.  The Xovita ingredient combination is exclusive to Xoçai.  Nevada-based MXI-Corp is a privately held company.  Xoçai's nine chocolate products have the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available on the market.  The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI-Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion.  MXI Corp is now operating internationally in 41 countries.