
Yoga Practice Beneficial for College Students

Posted: Friday, October 25, 2013 at 1:24 PM CDT

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 10/25/2013 --The benefits of yoga have been professed for years by those who engage in the ancient practice. While a person of any age and any level can find benefit from the poses and balance exercises involved in a yoga session, students enrolled in college can benefit greatly from the practice in a variety of ways.

Research suggests that an active yoga practice has a positive effect on classroom performance. Listening to an instructor guide one into poses and having to coordinate the muscles to hold those poses improves concentration skills, awareness of environment, and listening abilities in addition to physical fitness. Other studies show that a yoga practice helps boost mood and confidence levels, therefore those who practice the art are more sociable and happier, leading to a more engaged and active student within the classroom.

Along with this social aspect, attending a yoga class offers students a change to engage socially with their peers. It’s not overly athletic so it’s non-threatening to shyer people, and its organized so everyone shares in the experience. Social engagement and the ability to interact with others is necessary not only in an educational environment, but in a working one as well. It’s a necessary skill that must develop and be nurtured early on.

Along with skills, the flexibility and muscle control developed through practicing yoga can make other exercises easier. Whether engaged in sporting teams, active at the gym, or on a show choir team which requires dancing, the breathing benefits and muscle tone developed through yoga poses can improve performance in practitioners.

Finally, college students are notoriously overworked between school and work-study programs, worried about job offers after graduation, or burdened by growing student debt. Finding a way to adapt and handle this stress is imperative, and a yoga practice can offer a supportive environment and a healthy way to clear the mind. The increased concentration and emphasis on deep breathing techniques can be used throughout life for stress management.

Yoga is an exercise form appropriate for any age, ethnicity, or physical ability, and many college students can find relief and better focus in the classroom by applying the techniques learned through practicing yoga in all life aspects.

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