Philadelphia, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/22/2012 -- Holt's Cigar Company, is known for providing the finest imported handmade cigars, and has also come up with 100% natural Acid Cigars. The renowned Cigar Company operates with one clear philosophy; to provide cigar smokers with the best products at a good value, and with excellent customer service to our buyers. The cigar renaissance of the mid-nineties has catapulted the Holt's name to levels of national recognition and respect.
Holt's Cigar Company spokesperson stated, "Now regardless of whether or not you like Acid Cigars, one thing is undeniable... They are original. Each and every Acid Cigar is handmade in Nicaragua from 100% long-filler tobacco under the supervision of Jonathan Drew." The fine brand of Acid Cigars available at Holt's Cigar is distinguished by its unique flavor and aroma. Acid Cigars are intended to please the senses, palate, and raise the spirit on any occasion.
What makes these cigars so different is the process in which the tobacco is treated. Instead of curing tobacco the traditional way, (in tobacco curing barns) tobacco is cured in the Aroma Rooms. These are extra-special, top-secret rooms that are lined throughout with various botanicals, herbs, oils and spices. These ingredients over time imbue the tobacco leaves with aroma. Every additional ingredient used in the production of Acid is 100% all natural.
Backwoods Cigars has also gained popularity in recent years, they were designed to have a rustic, "manly" appeal to them, and to seem as natural as possible. Backwoods have held a place in a smoker’s heart since the 80’s. They were initially introduced after the quest for a perfect cigar that is non-Cuban or non-“anything.” Especially for the American cigar community who felt those produced on the Caribbean or surrounding areas would result in higher prices. Backwoods Cigars are indeed a unique blend, look, and style. In addition to being extremely cost-effective, Backwoods cigars are so much more than just tobacco – a beautiful blend of natural and homogenized tobaccos are infused with sweet tastes and aromatic flavors.
About Holt's Cigar Company
Holt's Cigar Company's origin dates back over one hundred years since 1898. In the span of those years, the name Holt's has been synonymous with the region's finest imported premium handmade cigars. They provide 100% satisfaction guarantee in case customers are not satisfied with the product. To learn more about Backwood Cigars, just log on to