Joe Bragg

Bargain Room's Reputation Flies High with Flurries of Media Attention


San Fransisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/27/2012 -- One good newspaper article can help propel a company past its competition. In the age of the internet, something as simple as a viral video or a silly picture can imprint a company’s name upon the world for years to come.

But one company has decided not to test that theory. Instead of letting just a single video or article dictate their brand’s image, Bargain Room has watched the media world explode with dozens of articles, press releases, and videos about the company over the past few weeks.

Since Bargain Room was founded just a few months ago, in September of 2012, this media frenzy is introducing the site to thousands of new shoppers every day. For those who don’t already know, Bargain Room connects consumers directly with suppliers, skipping out the middle men and creating double-digit discounts on everything from iPads to designer purses.

A spokesperson for the company claims that this unique sales model is helping drive the frenzy of press surrounding BargainRoom in recent weeks:

“Instead of establishing our site like Amazon or other online retailers, where a number of different middle men take a cut before the product reaches the consumer, we cut out these middle men and offer amazing savings to our users. The media is always interested in telling a unique story about a company forging its own way in the world, and we feel that’s what we’re doing with”

The company’s name has been popping up in a series of press releases that have appeared over the last few months. One recent press release discussed Bargain Room’s ‘clock’ feature, which is constantly ticking down until a new sales opportunity is revealed.

But another press release described a feature that may be far more interesting to the average shopper: the $1 bargain. Every so often, the website will list an item that has been discounted in price by 99% to just a single U.S. dollar.

As the press releases explain, the BargainRoom clock plays an essential role in these $1 bargain deals. When the clock hits 00:00:00, a new deal is revealed. Sometimes, that deal is a 50% discount off a pair of designer shoes. But from time to time, that discount deal is a $1 iPad or another item that is equally as valuable.

For that reason, BargainRoom encourages shoppers to visit the site frequently to stay up-to-date on the latest bargains:

“Our $1 bargain deals disappear quickly, so visitors to the site have to act fast to secure their order. Some deals only have a limited number of items in stock, and users who want to save lots of money on hot-ticket items are encouraged to visit several times per day.”

About helps shoppers save money by connecting them directly to suppliers and manufacturers. The website has been enjoying a frenzy of positive press and media hype in recent weeks. For more information, please visit: