Joe Bragg Warns Parents About Dangers of Back to School Bug Infestations

One of the primary ways bed bugs are transferred is through children at school, who can bring back bugs which can become an infestation. Bed Bugs Removal Guide explains the dangers and how to prevent this.


San Francisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/20/2014 -- Bed bugs created an epidemic in recent years when they infested large sections of the east coast. Ever since, people have had to remain vigilant to prevent such infestations returning, as the bed bugs are a common irritant that is difficult to fully eradicate. As the summer holidays draw to a close and children are sent back to school, there is a real risk of bed bugs hopping over from other children and being carried home, to infest others’ homes warns a new editorial by They have created a new guide as to how parents can prevent this nightmare scenario from happening.

The website, which has previously posted helpful editorials on topics including bed bug bite treatment and dealing with an infestation of bed bugs, has posted the new guide that explains practical guidelines to follow and actions to take that will be effective without creating ‘bubble boy’ syndrome around a child.

The advice includes not letting school bags on the sofa or bed, putting them in the dryer for 30 minutes to kill bed bugs, and helping children keep their belongings isolated from other children’s so as to prevent cross contamination.

A spokesperson for Bed Bugs Removal Guide explained, “We are pleased to be able to get this information out there before the children return to school so parents can be prepared without having to panic. The reality is that using just a few simple steps parents can all but eliminate the risk of their children bringing bed bugs home, and even if they do, there are easy ways to handle the invading population so it needn’t become an infestation. Should the worst happen however, our website has no shortage of information on how to deal with it, so parents can rest assured that their homes can be made safe quickly and easily.”

About Bed Bugs Removal Guide
Bed Bugs Removal Guide is on a mission to provide comprehensive information about bed bugs. Popular topics include how to kill bed bugs, bed bug rash, bed bugs treatment and what do bed bugs look like. The site is regularly updated with new information and trending topics about bed bugs.

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