Canyon Lake, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/30/2013 -- Recently, the board of Civil Logistics welcomed Bill Slove as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Slove brings over 17 years of experience in government sector program management, private insurance administration, and catastrophe operations. For the past 8 years, he dealt with the federal emergency management agency’s public and individual assistance programs, working with local sate managers, mitigation specialists, and technical assistance coordinators, to assist in the overall recovery effort after declared disasters. He has been involved in large events like hurricane’s; Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Ike, Gustav, Irene, California wildfires, tornadoes throughout the midsection of the country, and large scale flooding events. Due to his extensive experience, Mr. Slove has managed events in Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and throughout the United States.
Prior to his work in the insurance and government sector, Mr. Slove served in the US Army, mostly in company command environments, logistics operations and civil affairs. During Operation Desert Storm, he commanded troops in Saudi Arabia with forward contact teams into Iraq.
“Handling large scale operations is what I have always done and I’m looking forward to the challenge of growing Civil Logistics’ presence in government sector operations. Civil Logistics has a wide range of capabilities but our immediate steps will be to concentrate on the company’s depth and breadth in FEMA related matters and water resiliency programs”, says Slove.
About Civil Logistics LLC
Civil Logistics LLC is a veteran owned business providing infrastructure staffing support in logistics, water treatment, engineering, insurance, environmental and scientific disciplines, along with manpower assistance for catastrophe and disaster response.