While it isn’t affiliated with Leandro Carvahlo’s famed product, BrazilianButtLifeWorkoutHQ.com does provide a wealth of honest and impartial reviews of the world’s most popular butt-lift product.
Minooka, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/31/2012 -- Leandro Carvahlo’s Brazilian Butt-Lift Workout DVD has become a saving grace for women looking to get their rear into the best shape of their lives. With hordes of women flocking to find out more, BrazillianButtLiftWorkoutHQ.com offers a wealth reviews to assist their buying decision.
The website, which is not affiliate with Carvalho or his product is any way, contains a series of frank, honest and impartial reviews for the DVD workout.
Discussing the benefits, reason for trying it and the results it produces, the review website is a vital stop for many who go onto purchase from Carvahlo’s official website.
“While we are not affiliated with the product, we do offer a series of articles and a general overview to help people decide if the DVD is for them,” says Lani Lugar, who is responsible for marketing the review website.
She continues, “This allows people to proceed to the product’s website and purchase with confidence, while being well informed of what they can expect to achieve.”
The website was actually started by Sarah, an American who was in need of the perfect butt-lift.
“I grew up being ridiculed by my siblings and peers in high school for having a saggy butt. It wasn’t until I began researching about getting a butt lift that I came across the Brazil Butt-Lift workout program,” she says.
Continuing, “I didn’t have a lot of time for exercising and really needed to get fast results. I haven’t looked back ever since buying the workout program.”
Her experience with the product inspired her to set up a review site for others in the same position. The fruits of her work are now helping to change the lives of women everywhere.
“Users can expect to find a frankly honest review and articles into the content of the DVD, as well as reasons to try it and a realistic interpretation of the results. Carvahlo is a true guru of health and fitness; his product has the power to lift any woman’s spirits, as well as her butt,” Sarah adds.
Those who have visited the website, scoured the reviews and settled on purchasing can follow direct links to the product’s homepage. They are then welcome to contact the site and contribute their own review to be added to the growing collection on offer.
To read impartial reviews of the Brazilian Butt-Lift Workout today, visit: http://www.brazilianbuttliftworkouthq.com
About BrazilianButtLiftWorkoutHQ.com
BrazilianButtLiftWorkoutHQ.com offers a series of honest and impartial reviews for Leandro Carvahlo’s popular Brazilian Butt Lift Workout DVD. The site is not affiliated with Carvahlo or his product in any way.