
Burn Victim Giulio Vidali Seeks Funding Support for Face Transplant Surgery

A burn victim at the age of four, Giulio Vidali needs $150,000 for his Face Transplant Surgery. He has just started a crowdfunding campaign via Go Get Funding to raise necessary funds and spread the word.


George Town, Malaysia -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/26/2016 -- Giulio Vidali had a terrible accident when he was just four years old. While sitting close to a fireplace, he suffered over 60% burn when a bottle of gasoline exploded. Now thirty-one years old, Giulio has already undergone forty-eight reconstructive surgeries. Since 1990, he has frequently travelled between Italy and USA for his medical requirements.

Giulio's life as a child has been extremely difficult. However, he has always tried to be strong and lead a normal social life. After high school, Giulio joined the Italian Army and served them for three years. Though there were scars all around the body, he always wanted to look good and athletic. While serving the Italian Army, Giulio met his wife, Veronica.

After his marriage, Giulio joined the Fire Department Academy and was a paramedic for about two years. Then he was moved to the Fire Search and Rescue Squad till 2010. After the birth of his first son, he received an offer to work as a Director and Motivational Speaker in Malaysia for the company "Telelife". Giulio has been working here for the last five years.

Even after many years from his accident, Giulio still wants to know the feeling of going out, or meeting someone new without people wondering what happened to him. "Every time I go with my kids to a party I see other people staring at me, wondering what happened. Now my daughter is big enough to understand and I would like to avoid her friends asking what happened to her daddy. So I think it's time for a change," he says.

Giulio's Surgeon Dr. Jan Jackson believes that a Face Transplant surgery may offer Giulio a second chance to lead a normal life. The total expense for this surgery including flights, house rent, hospital, and medical fees is $150,000. Giulio has just launched a Go Get Funding campaign for his surgery.

To make a contribution to this campaign, please visit

About Giulio Vidali
Giulio Vidali had a terrible accident when he was just four years old. While sitting close to a fireplace, he suffered over 60% burn when a bottle of gasoline exploded. Now thirty-one years old, Giulio has already undergone forty-eight reconstructive surgeries. He is seeking funds for his upcoming Face Transplant surgery.