Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces a Customized hCG Diet as Advanced Cellulite Treatment

Diet Doc offers the only tried and true cellulite treatment, medically supervised weight loss with a new hCG diet plan, proven to target difficult to reach areas like the cellulite prone thighs.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/03/2013 -- The simple fact of life is that most women, and some men have cellulite, typically on the back on the thighs. All evidence points to weight loss as the only proven cellulite treatment. In this effort, Diet Doc has developed a proven effective cellulite treatment, actually considered more effective than dieting alone. A Diet Doc hCG diet plan offers customized nutrition plans, tailored around each patient’s individual factors, coupled with prescription hCG treatments, considered by many to target fat deposits in the most difficult to reach areas of the body, including thighs and buttocks. This simple yet effective cellulite treatment replaces ineffectual skin creams, invasive and dangerous surgeries, and hazardous internal medicines.

- The Skin Science Institute in Cincinnati released a study that measured the effects of weight loss on cellulite appearance. They found that most of the 44 subjects tested showed visibly smoother skin, simply by losing weight.

Anyone who has cellulite, approximately 85-98% of all women in the world, has no doubt experimented with creams, lotions, and experimental treatments involving awkward vacuum devices. None of these gimmicks have been effective as a permanent cellulite treatment. Some products may provide the illusion that cellulite has been reduced, but the nature of cellulite prevents lotions or creams from having any true impact.

Cellulite, due to its unique makeup is intrinsically difficult to treat. Cellulite is the effects of vertically oriented connective tissue that secure the outer layer of skin to underlying tissue. Only women's connective tissue is oriented vertically, which creates large pockets that fat can get trapped in. Unlike women, men's connective tissue has a horizontal orientation, preventing a lot of fat from being trapped between the muscle and subcutaneous tissue. The trapped fat pushes the skin out while the connective tissue simultaneously pulls the skin towards the muscle. This is what creates the recognizable dimpled look.

An especially common complaint expressed by women concerning their bodies is unsightly cellulite dimples on their thighs. While it is only a cosmetic concern, not requiring medical treatment, many women struggle with excessive cellulite, causing mentally damaging lowered self-esteem. Some companies declare that they have the most effective cellulite treatment; that their product will rid women of this unsightly scourge, but fast effective weight loss is the only real method of permanent treatment.

Diet Doc offers women a safe and healthy cellulite treatment with pure prescription hCG diet plans. Discovered in 1954 by Dr. Simeons, pure hCG has been found to target “abnormal fat”, which are fat deposits that the body typically stores and does not access unless prompted to. The Diet Doc hCG diet indeed prompts the body to access these unused stores of fat for energy by providing lower caloric intake in unison with prescription hCG. The body then responds by entering a state called ketosis, which is its optimal fat burning stage. Proven to produce fast weight loss in 97% of clients, Diet Doc's prescription hCG diets routinely produce over one pound per day of results, rendering it the most effective cellulite treatment available.

An hCG diet from Diet Doc is proven and guaranteed to produce the type of fast weight loss needed to reduce cellulite. While adhering to a prescription hCG diet, patients will lose weight fast in trouble areas, reduce cellulite, and rid themselves of unsightly cellulite dimples.