With 1.7 million college and 3.2 million high school students graduating this year, the list of skills they take into the workforce is impressive. However, while versed in everything from medicine and law to mechanics and teaching – why haven’t these students also been equipped with the personal finance skills required to tackle the money decisions each of them will have to make imminently?
Pittsburgh, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/20/2013 -- It’s a paradox endemic in high schools and colleges across the country; hordes of highly-skilled young people who still lack the basic financial understanding required to manage the money they’ll soon be earning. With institutions failing to equip young people with the money skills they need to survive in the real world, two Pennsylvania authors have taken it upon themselves to teach young people ‘The Missing Semester’.
The book, which is already being incorporated at both the High School and College level, gives young people the education and knowledge they need to make sound financial decisions long into the future. With authors Gene Natali Jr. and Matt Kabala Inspiring students to take control of and own their financial future, reviewers up and down the country have hailed the book a much-needed resource.
It’s easy to see why The Institute for Financial Literacy awarded ‘The Missing Semester’ an EIFLE (excellence in financial literacy education) AWARD for 2013 Book of the Year.
Choices we make every day have financial consequences-in some cases, BIG financial consequences. As the authors makes clear, young people are actually demanding financial education, with few schools responding accordingly.
“As we become involved at more schools, and hear from readers, it’s become clear that young folks are eager to learn about this subject - they often don't know where to turn to ask questions, or begin the process,” says Natali.
Continuing, “It’s vital that schools and colleges sit up and listen. Young people are leaving their institutions with world-class skills but typically lack the ability to make smart decisions about money. Personal finance is the backbone of anyone’s life – we need to get it right.”
Reviews from readers affirm Natali’s opinion. One reader writes that, “"There are many books on finance and investing. Most are not user friendly and most are not targeted toward young people - even though young people have the greatest opportunity to benefit from good financial decisions. This book is different.”
So, as students across the country collect their diplomas, degrees and numerous other accolades – those who’ve already discovered ‘The Missing Semester’ can rest easy that their bright young stars are ready to face the real world with gusto.
The book is available now. For more information, visit: http://www.themissingsemester.com/
About the Authors:
Gene Natali:
Mr. Natali is a Senior Vice President at C.S. McKee, L.P., a Pittsburgh based investment firm. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Allegheny College, and an MBA with a concentration in finance from Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business. He is currently a Level III candidate for accreditation as a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Matt Kabala:
Mr. Kabala is a graduate of Ohio University and holds an MBA from the University of South Carolina Moore School of Business. He is currently employed by Hilton Head Island Fire & Rescue Department where he serves as a Senior Firefighter and manager of the firefighters' supplemental retirement fund.