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‘ColonAdvisor’ Is New Online Resource Devoted to Educating About Colon Cancer, Colonoscopy & More


Tempe, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/29/2012 -- In order to remain as healthy as possible, it is important to learn about how every area of the body functions; this includes the heart, brain, and colon.

A quick glance at recent news articles clearly shows why being concerned about colon health is crucial; according to statistics, colorectal cancer is currently the third-most diagnosed cancer in the United States. Every year, millions of people learn they have colon cancer and begin treatment to try to eliminate it.

A new website was recently launched that helps people learn anything and everything related to colon health.

ColonAdvisor includes a vast amount of educational information on topics ranging from how the colon functions, to conditions like colitis and colon cancer and much more. The website is easy to use; visitors may log on and begin browsing through the many helpful articles, which are all written in easy-to-understand language.

“The colon is also called the large bowel,” an article on the website explained, adding that it is an organ of the gastrointestinal tract that is responsible for absorbing fluids, forming stools, and eliminating them.

“It is actually the last part of the digestive system in most vertebrates. The colon is basically responsible for extracting salt and water from solid waste before it is eliminated from the body.”

The website has sections devoted to many of the common questions and concerns people often have about the colon: for example, a section on colonoscopy explains what patients can expect during the procedure.

As an article explained, a medical examiner—typically a gastroenterologist—performs the exam. The device that is used is about 4 feet long and about the width of a finger, and contains a small camera and a light at its tip that can allow the person doing the test to see what is going on inside the colon.

Other popular sections of the website feature information about colon cleansing, a procedure that has recently grown in popularity. Articles on the site addresses the pros and cons surrounding a colon cleanse.

The website also includes articles about ulcerative colitis, a condition where inflammation and ulcers begin to form in the colon. This health issue is usually diagnosed by an X-ray of the colon, during a colonoscopy, or through stool samples, a blood culture, or a barium enema.

About ColonAdvisor
ColonAdvisor is a new website that is devoted to educating its readers about overall colon health. Article topics include an overview of what the colon does, the signs and symptoms of colon cancer, and what to expect during a colonoscopy. The online resource is free to use and offers a vast array of educational and helpful articles. For more information, please visit http://www.colonadvisor.com/