Transparency Market Research

Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Spurred by Consumers Looking for Dental Repairs and Rework on Aesthetics

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Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/06/2016 -- Although not a recent technology, the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has only been on the rise in the past decade. It is now commonly used in maxillofacial surgeries and other advanced cases in dentistry. CBCT offers several advantages to conventional imaging technologies in dentistry and also over conventional computed tomography.

The global cone beam computed tomography market is currently being driven ahead by a number of reasons. It was recorded at US$407.5 mn in 2014. After displaying a CAGR of 10% within a period from 2015 to 2023, this market is expected to reach US$960.8 mn by the end of 2023. Several aspects of the global CBCT market need to be considered in order to fully gauge this growth rate and the various prospects that this market has to offer. Here are three questions that can help attain a guided view of this market:

Is CBCT an Integral Part of Dentistry Now?

It has become an essential part, if not an irreplaceable part, of dentistry. Cone beam computed tomography has, over the recent past, experienced a wide array of developments for its use as a diagnostic tool. The biggest advantage that the CBCT machines offer is an accurate three-dimensional image of a region. This has created a large scope for the use for CBCT, ranging from forming differential diagnoses of dental abrasions to generating a critical understanding of dental anatomy.

Cone beam computed technology can even be used in deducing tooth or root locations, or in the examination of endodontic pathology. And most of these utilities have only been completely justified recently. The global CBCT market has been experiencing a higher scale of demand from all the key regions.

Which are the Key Regional Markets for CBCT and Why?

We can divide the global cone beam computed tomography market into five major segments: Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Rest of the World. In 2014, the two foremost regions in the global CBCT market were North America and Europe. Both regions have prevailed owing to advanced healthcare infrastructure, multiple research and development efforts in dentistry and CT technologies, and the presence of key players.

Both regions also house some of the top players in the global CBCT market, such as Sirona Dental Systems, Planmeca OY, QR s.r.l., and Cefla Group for Europe, and Carestream Health, Prexion, Inc., and Danaher Corporation in North America. There are other companies, such as the South Korean VATECH Global Co. Ltd., that have made their mark on the global CBCT market. While the two developed regions have always enjoyed an advanced dental industry, the developing regions are not too far behind now. Countries in Latin America and Asia Pacific are showing a rapid growth rate in dentistry through large-scale inculcation of modern practices, a large patient pool, and especially in the case of the global CBCT market, the increasing use of advanced computing technologies that allow a smoother and more accurate functioning of CT tech.

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Does This Mean Most Dentists Will Use CBCT in the Future?

There are two critical parts to this answer. One is the availability of the appropriate machinery and skilled labor. While both advanced machines and skilled labor are available in developing economies, there is still time for patients to avail CBCT solutions outside of urban areas. The other part of this answer lies in the dangers of CBCT itself. Like classical computed tomography, CBCT also implies the exposure of a patient to radiation, which needs to be kept as minimal as possible, according to the FDA. The FDA along with the ADA has appropriated the use of CBCT only when the risk of radiation exposure is lower than the benefits of using the imaging technique.