Country File Shares Great Tips for Winter Gardening

Get to know more about HealthyWiser’s soil meter


White Plains, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/03/2017 -- An advertisement feature on website Country File shared important tips that homeowners should remember about winter gardening.

"The short dark days and inclement weather can make the prospect of gardening in winter both unattractive and potentially unproductive. However, a little bit of winter planning can get your garden ready for a great year ahead," Country File wrote in their feature.

The first tip is about the winter wildlife. Gardening during the water should also keep homeowners aware of certain species of animals that come out during the season.

"Putting out fat blocks and other food will not only help local wildlife to survive the winter but will encourage birds, frogs, hedgehogs etc to stay in the garden and they will repay the favor a hundredfold by eradicating many garden pests in the coming year," the website advised.

Taking care of the plants and shrubs before the first onset of winter should save plants from getting "broken branches."

The website reminded gardeners, "Dead-head autumn-flowering plants and prune summer-flowering shrubs before the first frosts. Brush any heavy snow from shrubs and trees to prevent broken branches."

Furthermore, lawn care during the winter gardening season needs a bit of attention. Keeping people away from the grass is one way to succeed.

"Make an exception to get rid of large weeds, moss and leaves," Country File added.

How HealthyWiser's plant soil meter can help

The HealthyWiser plant soil meter measures the soil in three different ways – through moisture, light and pH levels. Knowing about the soil in these parameters ensures brighter gardens during the dark winter season.

The device provides an accurate way to settle everything about the specific garden needs during this season. From finding the right soil to knowing the moisture needed, the HealthyWiser soil condition meter can always do the work.

About HealthyWiser
HealthyWiser is a reputable company in the United States that provides various products for health awareness. The products are used for beauty, personal health, and wellness.

For more information about HealthyWiser's soil condition meter, visit their page on Amazon.

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