Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Improved Four-Phase Diet Plans for Lasting Weight Loss Success

Diet Doc creates tailor made diet meal plans divided into four easy to follow and interesting phases, helping dieters lose pounds and inches and sustain lasting weight loss success.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/16/2013 -- Diet Doc has combined the knowledge from decades of scientific research, testing the powerful hCG hormone with the expertise of specially educated fast weight loss doctors, nurses and nutritionists to create the nation’s leading medically supervised hCG diet plans.

By modifying and modernizing A.T.W. Simeons’ original hCG diet protocol, Diet Doc’s new hCG diet plans offer patients a less restrictive caloric intake with over double that of the original hCG diet, personalized diet meal plans specific to each patient, and medical supervision to assure the patient’s overall health and safety while utilizing hCG and diet meal plans. Diet Doc offers the opportunity for successful weight loss to everyone with diet plans divided into four simple, interesting and easy to follow phases.

Subsequent to an extensive medical evaluation and doctor consultation, certified nutritionists will create personalized diet meal plans that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and specific to each patient’s nutritional and dietary needs, while also fitting comfortably into the client's personal lifestyle. hCG will be prescribed to be used in combination with the diet meal plans and is available in injectable solution, which is the most preferred method due to its ability to accelerate weight loss, sublingual tablets and prescription grade oral hCG drops. Injectable hCG solution is formulated to include Vitamin B12, providing the dieter with an additional source of energy and alleviating the loss of energy typically experienced during dieting. Regardless of the method of hCG delivery, patients can anticipate losing pounds and inches rapidly and safely when following Diet Doc’s diet meal plans and diet protocol.

During Phase 1, the loading phase, of the newly modified hCG diet, the dieter will focus on two days of high calorie and high fat intake. By “loading”, the dieter’s metabolism will spike and serve as a fat induction to facilitate the transition into ketosis, or burning of stored and trapped fat, that occurs in Phase 2 and 3. This is a great time to snap a “before” picture, as well as begin documenting progress in a personal diet journal.

Phase 2, beginning on day 3, will mark the beginning of the fast weight loss period with the dieter beginning the lower calorie diet. Keto-adaptation will begin with the body's metabolism shifting, triggered by a drop in insulin levels, reduction in dietary net carbohydrates, and glycogen depletion.

Dependent on each patient’s anticipated weight loss goals, Phase 3 may last between one and three months with the patient continuing to follow the customized diet meal plans and hCG administration. This phase is associated with the most active results. The body is now keto-adapted and weight loss is stable and consistent. hCG has triggered the body to release stored and trapped fat into the bloodstream, now using this fat as the body’s primary source of fuel. The body is now burning this stored excess fat with the dieter noticing rapid and significant changes in pounds and inches, typically in the difficult to lose areas, such as the underarms, thighs, hips, and belly. Even clients not near a weight loss clinic in Tampa Florida can take advantage of this miracle weight loss diet.

Prior to phase 4, the long term maintenance stage, prescription hCG will be discontinued. A variety of foods and carbohydrates are reintroduced with the dieter gradually increasing daily caloric intake. By providing complimentary and unlimited support, guidance and encouragement through each phase of the diet and educating patients on the importance of continuing to make healthy food choices, dieters are looking and feeling better than ever before and sustaining long term weight maintenance.

Priced to fit comfortably into almost any budget, Diet Doc makes achieving fast weight loss goals possible for everyone. Diet Doc's certified nutritionists will design diet meal plans for those that have struggled to lose that difficult last 10 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more, providing patients with lasting weight loss success. Those patients who are not near a weight loss clinic in Miami Florida can still take advantage of this weight loss miracle with the ease of a telephone call.

Diet Doc encourages those that have been unsuccessful in achieving results in the past to call today to schedule a complimentary and confidential consultation and join the thousands that are looking and feeling better than ever before by losing unwanted and unhealthy excess weight.

Diet Doc Contact Information

San Diego, CA

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg