
Digital Marketing: Advertising's Golden Age

Digital Marketing has become the most effective medium of advertising to date.


Roanoke, VA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/20/2014 -- Advertising took a lot of forms in the past decade from visual billboards, telemarketing, TV ads, and events curated to targeted consumers. With a hit or miss formula, an ad can be effectively promote a brand or become its waste of promotional funds. Now, customers want companies to say what they stand for and what makes them unique directly. What better way to send this message than digital marketing?

Netizen, person actively involved in online communities and a user of the Internet, population is increasing by the second. Reports cited that Facebook, a social media network, has over 1.23 billion users worldwide, about 2% of the global population. Catering to and ensuring success to this wide audience can easily be achieved with the right Digital Marketing Strategies proven to be effective.


Nowadays, internet plays an integral role in customer’s decision making. A website with rich media, videos, pictures and downloadable content that can be accessed across all devices, desktop, smartphones, tablets, help a consumer understands a product or offer. It’s like hiring a sales person without the hard sell. According to recent statistics, 41% of people are using the internet to search for a product or services. Top retail venues where people use the internet are Clothing with 28%, Convenience store with 18%, specialty stores and electronic with 9%.

Having a clear online vision with responsive web content and SEO, while retaining a natural, human style, companies or brands can effectively draw readers and build brand recognition.


Social media platforms allow companies to listen to their customers and know relevant topics they engage into. A tailor fit content that is familiar and addresses customer needs or wants strengthen brand or service loyalty or following. With 91% of mobile internet accesses being used for social activities versus 79% on desktop, creates a huge opportunity for sharing, distribution and discussion of brand’s content. A worthy topic creates an opportunity for a product to be discussed with a longer digital lifespan.


Valuable, sound and engaging content is a catalyst for calls to action. Sharing useful and interesting topic aligned with the company or brand’s goal will ensure marketing success. Creating a direct solution to a consumer need guarantees shares, traffic, discussion and consumer recognition, all highly measurable and accountable.

Digital marketing is not only a moving force in the current marketing playing field, it is greatly shaping the way we consume products and will dictate the future of advertising and economy altogether.

About Pronity
Pronity is an online business resource that provides an easier way to increase their social media following, brand connection, and conversion trust while increasing ROI. It specializes in putting the strategy back into marketing by cutting away expensive fluff and zeroing in on business Growth. Pronity hires world class employees from around the globe who have the skills sets and expertise to realize the more efficient and effective marketing programs.