Seeking to help individuals, organizations and families recover the lost connection between ethics and outcomes, Stephen Swecker’s latest eBook has hit the market with gusto. With many blaming society for its “ethics recession,” Swecker’s book is set to resonate with readers from coast to coast.
North Berwick, ME -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/30/2013 -- Stephen Swecker’s mission is simple: to help Americans both recover and internalize the basic linkage between their values and attaining authentic success. Applicable to business, individual, family and organizational settings, Swecker’s new book promotes ethics as a practical approach to getting better at what we do and obtaining better results.
“Good Works! Tapping the Practical Power of Our Core Values” isn’t a book of observations; it’s a full-circle view of ethics and society through the ages and a plea to re-connect with the traditional wisdom many feel has been lost.
The book’s concepts are grounded in history. Quoting a familiar observation about our Puritan ancestors—“They came to America to do good, and they ended up doing well.”—Swecker notes the nation’s early values of thrift, hard work and honesty. However, with many regarding their material success as a sign of divine blessing, readers quickly find that this reward-based mind-set opened the door for a punitive and judgmental view of those whose lives were not as fruitful.
Lamentining the loss of the practical connection between ethics and outcomes, Swecker urges readers to recover their pre-Puritan ancestors’ original wisdom as the basis for genuine happiness and meaningingful lives.
“We're being harmed, individually and collectively, by failing to recognize the link between competence and character. Morality and ethics, expressed through our core values, are the deeply-embedded code, the operating instructions, for genuine success and meaning,” he explains.
Continuing, “Our wisdom traditions have always recognized this, and did not separate character and competence, ethics and results. They taught us that the Good ‘works’. Our core values are functional.”
“Good Works!” also shows readers how to discover their ethical style and to “drill” for their core values as preparation for creating lives that combine character and competence.
However, while many books offer a confusing view of the mechanics behind the ethics they teach, Swecker bucks the trend with a to-the-point, practical approach.
“This is life coaching and business coaching in another gear or dimension. It's not psychology or systems theory but, rather, ethics as a practical approach to getting better at what we do and, in the end, getting better results,” he adds.
With the book’s popularity increasing, interested readers are encouraged to purchase a copy as soon as possible at direct-from-the-publisher pricing.
“Good Works! Tapping the Practical Power of Our Core Values,” published by Rider Green Books, is available now in ePub/iPad and Kindle formats.
For more information and to buy the book, visit The Info Shop at:
About the Author: Stephen Swecker
Stephen Swecker is the Ethics Coach. A college teacher of ethics and religion, and an award-winning former magazine editor and writer, Steve brings the benefit of his rich vocational background and life experience into his writing, consulting and client relationships.
He is a certified life coach, a member of the International Association of Coaching® and a graduate of Boston University Graduate School, Wesley Theological Seminary and West Virginia University. Steve and his wife Kathy, a registered nurse, live in Maine.