London, UK -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/10/2013 -- Premier UK electronic cigarette retailer CloudCig announces the launch of the company's new, modern website featuring its exclusive line of e cigarettes. Using leading and revolutionary technology, electronic cigarettes from CloudCig are smoke-less, environmentally friendly, healthier and cost 90 percent less than traditional cigarettes.
"Tens of thousands of people across the UK are making the switch to electronic cigarettes," says an article on the CloudCig website. "You may have seen people using CloudCigs and by now you have probably realised that the e-cig movement is not a fad, it’s the real deal. CloudCigs look, taste and feel like real cigarettes but come without the nasty costs, health worries, and stigma associated with smoking real cigarettes."
An electronic cigarette, or e cig, looks and feels just like a traditional cigarette and can be smoked even in locations where cigarettes are banned. The small electronic devices are battery-operated and cost significantly less than real cigarettes, with one refill equaling 150 traditional cigarettes. Because they do not contain tar, smoke or toxic chemicals, they are much healthier than real cigarettes.
CloudCig's products stand out in the industry because of the company's use of superior and leading technology. Available in seven flavors, CloudCig e cigarettes are environmentally friendly, smoke and odor free, and allow smokers to enjoy the pastime without the stigma associated with smoking.
Not only do e cigarettes offer a safer alternative to smoking, many smokers find that they help them to quit smoking entirely. The American Journal of Preventative Medicine claimed in their February 2011 issue that e cigarettes offer a promising tool to help smokers quit. Currently, they have helped over 85 percent of smokers quit smoking in the UK. Up to one million people now use electronic cigarettes, saving themselves £3000 a year and improving their health at the same time.
About CloudCig
CloudCig is a UK company with an aim and passion directed towards its customers. Using the leading range of revolutionary technology in all CloudCig products, the company's goal is to be market leaders in the electronic cigarette industry within 12 months and to provide the best products and the best customer service in the industry. In just nine months, CloudCig is already quickly approaching market dominance as a pioneer in the UK electronic cigarette industry. For more information, visit