Wartrol is one of the most popular wart removal products. Does it really work? Read our in-depth wartrol review and find out the answer!
Charlotte, NC -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/22/2012 -- BuyWartolPlus.com website was launched last week and it is offering a fast, safe and effective wart removal solution: Wartrol.
Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). These are transmitted by touch. The entry point is usually skin contact with the warts, via an open wound, abrasion, cuts, etc. The bad news is that warts can be extremely itchy and unsightly. What is worse is that in some cases, these can cause cancer. Wartrol can take away those warts painlessness, easily, and in the convenience of one’s own home.
Wartrol is an over the counter topical solution that can be used and is effective for most types of warts. It is the product of the latest medical science and underwent thorough clinical testing. The product name is familiar because it has been advertised and seen in MSN, CNN, MSNBC, USAToday.com and many others. More importantly Wartrol is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This seal of approval, by and in itself, indicates that it is safe to use and contains no harmful ingredients. The main ingredient is Salicylic acid. More information about this can be found online
It’s simple to use and apply Wartrol. There are 4 basic steps: (1) Dip the applicator brush into the liquid (in the bottle); (2) Brush the affected area and then air dry for 60 seconds; (3) It takes less than 20 minutes for the solution to start working. At this time do not cover the application area with bandages, clothing, band aids, etc; (4) Apply daily until the wart is completely removed.
The solution is directly applied to the affected area to allow the same to seep into the wart slowly but surely. As the solution is applied daily, the wart will slowly diminish in size until the root of the wart is reached, and then is dissolved. The root is very important because dissolving the same means it cannot grow back.
There are other options to remove warts. The best alternative would be to go to a doctor and have the same removed via cauterization, freeze drying, laser, or surgical incision. Of course these options are very expensive, extremely painful, require weeks of recovery time, and will require scrutiny by doctors, nurses, and even medical students.
The best way to buy Wartrol is direct from buywartrolplus.com. This is because it is cheaper, discreet, ships fast, and accepts credit cards. More importantly, the item is guaranteed authentic. There is a money back guarantee if the product received is defective or ineffective. For more information, contact customer support; rest assured the representative is properly trained to answer most inquiries about the product and the conversation is kept confidential.
John Willey
(615) 789-4610