Using KICKSTARTER, Retired Professor Michael Stavy Seeks Financial Support to Present His Paper at the 14th World Wind Energy Conference, Jerusalem, Israel
Michael Stavy, a retired (1970-1999) American economics teacher and renewable energy economist (since 1990), is scheduled to present his 31st paper, "The Levelized Cost (US$/MWh; €/MWh; ILS/MWh) of Storing Wind Electricity on a Grid-Connected, Utility-Scaled (MW) Energy Storage System (ESS)", at the 14th World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC), 26-28 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel. Michael presented his first energy storage paper 12 years ago; "A Financial Worksheet for Computing the Levelized Cost of Wind Electricity (US$/MWh, SEK/MWh, €/MWh) Stored in a...
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