Energy Press Releases

New Market Study Published: Japan Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoBMI View: Japan's refiners took a hit in Q1 2014 as new legislation intended to streamline the refining sector saw around 400,000 barrels per day ( b/d ) of capacity taken offline. We expect weak refined product demand to continue offering limited future prospects for the sector. I mport s of oil and LNG increased as a result of nuclear power generation losses in the wake of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. We expect the first nuclear power plants to return to the Japanese grid later in 2014, reducing the need for fossil fuel imports. That said, we expect LNG demand to remain high as a significant amount of nuclear capacity will remain offline .

Market Report, "Hong Kong Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014", Published

LogoWith no domestic energy resources, Hong Kong faces the challenge of meeting growing oil and gas demand through imports alone. Having mainland China at its doorstep helps, as the outlook for Hong Kong is linked directly to that of its parent state. Hong Kong may look to import increasing amounts of electricity directly from the mainland, thereby mitigating slightly its dependence on foreign energy resources.

MXI, Inc. Announces Household Hazardous Waste Collections and Analysis This June

LogoWhen partaking in spring cleaning projects, many homeowners come across various containers of household hazardous waste that are in need of recycling and or disposal. As part of spring cleaning, townships and county organizations are beginning to plan collections for their waste in a way that is economically beneficial to the environment. This June, MXI Environmental Services, LLC is announcing their services for analyzing and holding collections of household hazardous waste.

Now Available: Electricity Distribution and Control Apparatus in Saudi Arabia: Industrial Report

LogoThe market grew by a CAGR of 10% over 2007-2012 to reach a value of SR12.8 billion at the end of the period. Import penetration declines to 48% of market value in 2012 as the local industry becomes more competitive. The industry is fairly fragmented with the five largest companies accounting for one-fifth of total production in 2012. The market is expected to grow by a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period, driven by electricity distribution network upgrades and investment by the petrochemical industry.

"Pakistan Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoBMI View: Gas shortages continue to loom in Pakistan as the country awaits the development of required import infrastructure. With struggling production, a limited potential for significant increases in gas production and a lack of import infrastructure, the country will most likely continue to experience severe gas shortages over the near-to-medium term.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investment Report: New Research Report Available at Fast Market Resea

LogoMarketLines' Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments report includes business description, detailed reports on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestments, capital raisings, venture capital investments, ownership and partnership transactions undertaken by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited since January 2007. These reports offer a comprehensive breakdown of the organic and inorganic growth activity undertaken by an organization to sustain its competitive advantage.

New Market Report Now Available: Venezuela Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoWe retain a cautious stance on the Venezuelan oil and gas sector. While a flurry of new loans and deals may improve the financial position of PdVSA over the short term, the threat that badly needed funds will diverted from investment into the oil and gas sector to fund social programmes remains as real as ever. Moreover, although our long-term forecasts call for growth as projects in the Orinoco belt ramp up, we expect Venezuela to continue its underperformance given the scale of challenges - which range from political interference to chronic underinvestment. Similarly, despite abundant gas reserves, we expect Venezuela to remain a net importer of gas over the course of our forecast period.

New Market Study Published: Singapore Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoSingapore's regional dominance in the downstream will be challenged by refining capacity expansion in the region and high crude oil prices that are eroding margins. However, the future of Singapore's place in the global oil and gas industry could lie in its likely emergence as the preferred hub for growing gas trade in the Asia Pacific region.

Lancaster PA Propane Company Launches Interactive Web Site

Locally based propane delivery and service company, Affordable Propane, has launched a new generation website that invites prospects and customers to a higher level of interaction.

New Market Research Report: Czech Republic Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014

LogoThe positive effects brought about by external and domestic growth could be outweighed by the reduction in refining capacity, which risks limiting local feedstock availability, warns BMI's latest Czech Republic Petrochemicals Report. There is the potential for increased reliance on imported ethane and propylene, which creates uncertainty around the cost of Czech petrochemicals production. Meanwhile, the government's sustained fiscal austerity drive will feed through to lower household and government spending.

Market Report, "Coke Oven Products in Saudi Arabia: Industrial Report", Published

LogoSaudi coke oven products market grows by 14% over review period to reach SR155 million in 2012. Import penetration decreases to 28% of total market in 2012. Exports decline in importance for local producers, generating only 1% of total product output in 2012. Industry revenue expected to grow at CAGR of 9% over forecast period due to use of industry's products in power generation.

New Market Research Report: Kuwait Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014

LogoWhile Kuwait's Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) plans to increase its petrochemical income to make up more than 50% of the country's non-oil income, BMI's latest Kuwait Petrochemicals Report states that further value added to petrochemicals is essential to developing the production chain and ensuring that the industry is buffered from the effects of increased competition in external markets.

Now Available: South Africa Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014

LogoThe South African petrochemicals industry is struggling with poor domestic demand conditions, deteriorating risk and a volatile exchange rate. Margins are coming under pressure with the depreciation of the rand doing nothing to boost the industry's fortunes on external markets. Instead, local producer Sasol is ramping up investment in North America to take advantage of shale gas growth with only incremental increases in domestic capacities.

"Equatorial Guinea Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoBMI View: Although the start of a number of small fields and continued interest in West Africa's deepwater are positive trends for Equatorial Guinea's oil and gas se ctor, t he temporary recovery in oil production will g i ve way to gradual downtrend, placing the country's heavily oil - dependent economy at risk. While new discoveries could support an expansion of the country's LNG export capacity, uncertainty over the market and infrastructure has rendered investment decisions repeatedly delayed. Notwithstanding the possibility of new discoveries, we expect oil production to gradually head lower over the course of the decade.

Ecuador Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014 - New Report Available

LogoBMI View: Ecuador faces considerable above-ground challenges in r amping up its crude production, such that we forecast growth will remain moderate over the coming years. In the short term, we expect increased output from state-owned Petroamazonas, though with production from acreage owned by the pr ivate sector likely to stagnate this will temper gains. Over the longer term, the government's decision to open Yasuni National Park to drilling, and potential for an uptick in output from the Pungarayacu heavy oil field pose significant upside risk to our 20 19 -2023 production forecast . However, we have not factored this in given fierce local opposition and an uncertain production timeline.

"Japan Power Report 2014" Is Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoJapan will ultimately restart 40-50% of its nuclear reactors so as to reduce the cost of fuel imports, which have been exacerbated by the weak yen and pushed Japan to register a record trade deficit in 2013. We anticipate LNG imports will remain elevated - as gas-fired generation fills the void left by nuclear facilities that are closed permanently. Coal has also been championed by the government in its April 2014 Basic Energy Plan and looks set to play a role as an important source of baseload capacity.

"Azerbaijan Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoBMI View: Despite planned investment in order to stabilise output from Azerbaijan's ACG complex, the long - term outlook for liquids is bearish notwithstanding near - term gains from the USD 6nn Chirag Oil Project (COP). The greatest source of upside risk to our oil outlook comes from our bullish view on Azeri gas, with a number of major untapped gas fields holding liquids potential as well. D espite a number of large fields having already been identified for exploration and appraisal, a shortage of rigs and the technical challenges of the Caspian's operating environment have slowed development. In the absence of firm timelines, we have yet to include these projects in our forecast but note the risks for gas are weighted heavily to upside as progress on strategically significant export infrastructure into Europe continues to advance.

Romania Power Report Q3 2014 - New Market Research Report

LogoBMI View: Nuclear power will be key to driving Romania's energy sector given the prospect of massive Chinese and Canadian investment in the second half of the decade. Renewables will also continue to play an important role, although the scaling back of the government's support will slow investment. Energy prices will moderate as the implicit subsidy for green energy is lifted. The government will remain committed to privatisation of the energy sector, but the prospective listing for Hidroelectrica may be delayed by renewed demands for its re-organi s ation.

New Market Study, "Iran Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014", Has Been Published

LogoThe expected boost to petrochemicals exports following the lifting of international sanctions did not occur in Q114, but BMI's latest Iran Petrochemicals report expects growth in coming months. Sustained growth will depend on a number of factors, including permanent removal of international sanctions, improved gas feedstock supply, foreign investment and domestic market growth. BMI believes Iran is far from securing these conditions.

New Market Research Report: Egypt Oil & Gas Report Q2 2014

LogoPolitical risk in Egypt has peaked, and we expect a slight moderation over the coming months. The interim government has brought a semblance of stability to Egypt's political scene and a degree of policy continuity that has not been present in Egypt for much of 2013. Nevertheless, we believe that operational risk and lack of policy certainty will affect the country's oil and gas output for the coming months and possibly years. That said, we stress that the country's below-ground potential remains extensive, as exemplified by a series of recent discoveries in onshore and offshore concessions. This leads us to believe that Egypt still holds large upside potential, but this will only be monetised over the long term as current woes are alleviated.

Romania Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014 - New Market Report

LogoBMI View: ExxonMobil will imminently move forward with its appraisal of the Domino-1 discovery in the Black Sea discovery, signalling a positive turn in Romania's upstream outlook. Further exploration efforts in the Black Sea from international oil companies (IOCs) are providing upside risk to the country's outlook. The growing presence of IOCs is a necessary step to take advantage of Romania's increasingly expensive and technically challenging oil and gas developments. The most prospective areas remain offshore in the Black sea and the onshore basins which could support shale gas . Chevron is restarting shale gas exploration after suspending operations since October 2013 due to protests . Offers Using Highly Beneficial Home Wind Turbines is a leading home wind turbine provider that offers their customers an opportunity to benefit from the latest technology and save costs on electricity. The two major advantages of the home wind turbines are their cost-efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Enbridge, Inc. - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investment Report - New Study Released

LogoMarketLines' Enbridge, Inc. Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments report includes business description, detailed reports on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestments, capital raisings, venture capital investments, ownership and partnership transactions undertaken by Enbridge, Inc. since January 2007. These reports offer a comprehensive breakdown of the organic and inorganic growth activity undertaken by an organization to sustain its competitive advantage.

New Market Research Report: Malaysia Power Report Q3 2014

LogoWe have revised up our 2014 electricity generation growth forecast for Malaysia from 4.6% to 4.9% this quarter. This upward revision was due to strong performance by the Malaysian economy in the last quarter of 2014 and new data on the project pipeline for renewable energy. We retain our modest longterm outlook for the sector as we expect economic growth, positive demographics, and an improving business environment to drive growth beyond 2014. We note that recent developments in the renewable energy sector could pose an upside risk to our forecasts.

New Market Research Report: Malaysia Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoMalaysia's upstream segment could see better days ahead in the short-to-medium term as the completion of both greenfield and brownfield developments brings new volumes of oil and gas online. New gas supplies will underpin continued expansion in the country's liquefied natural gas production based in Sarawak. Consumption growth will limit some of the export gains to be made from growing output, though a reduction of oil and gas subsidies would see a slowdown in the rate of this. The expansion of its downstream capacity could be more challenging, as it would face fierce competition from neighbouring Singapore.