Energy Press Releases

New Market Research Report: Taiwan Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoBMI View: Taiwan is almost entirely dependent on imports to meet energy demand and is likely to stay in this state for the foreseeable future. A growing appetite for imported gas has created a need for fresh liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies. This creates opportunities for potential LNG sellers, though US supplies are likely to be favoured for their lower prices.

New Market Research Report: Sudan & South Sudan Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoThe escalation of violence in South Sudan has led to severe disruptions to the country's oil output. Heavy fighting in Upper Nile and Unity States has led to the shut-in of production at the Thar Jath, Mala and Unity oil fields and reduced output from Palogue, Fal and Adar Yale. The fighting has derailed the country's fragile production recovery, adding further downside pressure to its bearish long-term production outlook. With the government claiming loose control of the major oil fields, output could start to revive within the quarter. However, given the fractured and volatile nature of the conflict and the heavy rebel presence in the oil-producing states, we anticipate more lasting production outages.

Just Released: "Thailand Power Report Q3 2014"

LogoWe are maintaining both our short- and long-term forecasts for the Thai power sector this quarter. We had incorporated several factors into our analysis in Q114, such as the shutdowns and maintenance of several gas fields as well as the country's new power development plan. At present, our outlook remains stable, and we continue to see the country's reliance on electricity imports increasing over our forecast period. The outlook for renewable energy also appears relatively positive, with both the residential and commercial solar sectors set to undergo a period of strong growth.

Eco Driving Lessons - Bill Plant Proud to Announce Partnership Energy Saving Trust

Bill Plant Corporate Driver Management and the Government-Funded Energy Saving Trust are proud to announce their Partnership.

Recent Study: Russia Power Report Q3 2014

LogoBMI View: Risk aversion, capital outflows, a weak rouble and emergency monetary tightening underpin our deteriorating outlook for the Russian economy and - by extension - the domestic power sector. The strong correlation between economic activity and power demand means that the crisis in Ukraine has suppressed our forecasts for the power sector - based on the bleak outlook for investor sentiment and FDI, as well as softening consumer purchasing power.

Market Report, "Israel Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014", Published

LogoThe Israeli petrochemicals sector is likely to remain focused on domestic sales and is not expected to rival other markets in the region at this time due to a lack of upstream activity, according to BMI's latest Israel Petrochemicals Report. While many Arabian Gulf States have developed petrochemicals industries on the back of their domestic gas and oil production, Israel's gas and oil production is negligible. Feedstock availability constraints will limit growth in potential capacity expansion. Israel has a weak reserves position, but offshore gas strikes suggest reserves could grow. Such major finds could prompt a significant fall in Israel's dependence on oil and gas imports, but these discoveries are unlikely to come on-stream for several years.

Azerbaijan Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014 - New Market Study Published

LogoAzerbaijan is set to move ahead with the expansion of petrochemicals capacities in 2014, which should boost the country's non-oil sector over the medium term, according to BMI's latest Azerbaijan Petrochemicals Report.

New Market Research Report: Poland Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014

LogoWhile shale gas exploration has thus far presented a mixed picture, there have been positive below and above-ground developments in recent months. However, while Poland could see its first commercial flow rates in 2014-2015, we remain cautiously optimistic with regard to the country's shale gas production. At the moment, the need for additional exploration, the fact that most companies will likely wait until new regulations are passed before taking final investment decisions on shale gas projects, and assuming that projects take three years to be developed, we have only factored in significant shale gas production into our forecast from 2018-2019 onwards. We note that risks lie to the downside, depending on the industry reception of the new regulations and below-ground results.

Recent Study: Steam and Hot Water Supply in Saudi Arabia: Industrial Report

LogoSaudi Arabia's hot water and steam market reaches SR3 billion in 2012. Households account for 54% of the demand in 2012. The market is dominated by domestic companies. Profitability is stable at 25% of the turnover. The industry is highly concentrated with the two large companies holding the lion's share of the total production. Solar power is becoming increasingly important in producing hot water and steam. The world's largest solar thermal plant is built in 2012. Saudi Arabia's steam and hot water supply industry is expected to record a CAGR of 8% over 2013-2018.

Report Published: "Cambodia Power Report Q3 2014"

LogoBMI View: The major players in Asian power supply are clamouring to invest in Cambodia, with the result that huge capacity expansion can be expected from around 2015, as hydro - , gas - and coal-based schemes are introduced. This should leave the country with plentiful spare generation. Neighbouring Vietnam, which will finance a number of power projects, plans to make good use of Cambodia's potential export capability, as does Thailand if a major coal-fired scheme comes to fruition.

New Market Report Now Available: Saudi Arabia Petrochemicals Report Q3 2014

LogoThe Saudi industry is diversifying its feedback mix and expanding its product slates to include more higher-value intermediates. An example of the strategy to diversify petrochemicals exports is Sadara, which will incorporate liquid feedstocks as well as gas to feed its cracker at Al Jubail and include more than 20 downstream process units. Meanwhile, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic) and ExxonMobil Chemical are investing USD3.4bn to build a rubber and elastomers complex that will introduce ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, polybutadiene rubber, and carbon black production to Saudi Arabia.

"Russia Oil & Gas Report Q3 2014" Is Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoBMI View: Russia is pumping post-Soviet record levels of oil but a high level of investment will be required to maintain this. It also faces pressure to diversify its gas markets, in view of an increasingly challenging core market in Europe and growing competition from other global gas suppliers. The most immediate threat to the sustenance of existing production and export volumes is the prospect of energy and financial sanctions on Russia by the West from Russia ' s perceived aggression in e astern Ukraine.

"Manufacture and Distribution of Gas in Saudi Arabia: Industrial Report" Is Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoThe market grew by a CAGR of 9% over 2007-2012 to reach a value of SR1.6 billion at the end of the period. The industry is concentrated with the largest company, National Gas & Industrialization Co, representing more than half of total production. Most gas production centres are located in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The industry is expected to grow by a CAGR of 8% over the forecast period, driven by industrialisation efforts and the development of the aluminium industry in the country.

Yigal Brosh Joins Bluesphere's Board of Directors

Bluesphere Corp, a clean energy company that develops, manages and owns waste-to-energy projects, announced today that Yigal Brosh has joined the Company as an Independent Director. Mr. Brosh is a highly regarded Israeli investment management professional who holds board seats at investment management firms and in the waste management industry.

Guy Archbold Pushes the Green Energy Revolution Through DCIM Software at Rackwise Inc.

Guy Archbold became CEO of Rackwise Inc in September 2011. With 30 years in finance, investment and merchant banking, venture capital and portfolio management, it may have seemed an usually hands on choice. However, his final passion became his most all-consuming, in alternative green energy. In taking over the strategic future of the datacenters, he aimed to bring it in line with green energy initiatives. Founder of a NASDAQ green energy management company in 2001, he would bring this experience to bear on behalf of Rackwise, which is part of the Green Grid for providing efficient and sustainable technology solutions to business, federal institutions and more.

Portugal Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report - New Study Released

Logo"Portugal Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report", GlobalData's latest release, presents the essential information relating to the terms which govern investment into Portugal's upstream oil and gas sector. The report sets out in detail the contractual framework under which firms must operate in the industry, clearly defining factors affecting profitability and quantifying the state's take from hydrocarbon production. Considering political, economic and industry specific variables, the report also analyses future trends for Portugal's upstream oil and gas investment climate.

Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook in South and Central America, 2014 - Details of Operating and Planned Crude Oil, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Pipelines - New

LogoGlobalData's energy offering, "Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook in South and Central America, 2014 - Details of Operating and Planned Crude Oil, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Pipelines" is the essential source for industry data and information related to the pipeline industry in South and Central America. It provides asset level information related to all active and planned crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas transmission pipelines in South and Central America. The profiles of major companies operating in the pipeline industry in South and Central America are included in the report. The latest news and deals related to the sector are also provided and analyzed.

Just Released: "Smart Gas Market - Worldwide Market Forecasts and Analysis (2014-2019)"

LogoSmart Gas Market by Devices (Smart Gas Meters, AMR gas meters, communication modules), Solutions (SCADA, GIS, EAM, Mobile Workforce Management, MDM, Analytics, Leak detection), Services - Worldwide Market Forecasts and Analysis (2014-2019)

Recent Study: Thermal Power in Germany, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Power Plants, Regulations and Company Profiles

LogoThermal Power in Germany, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Power Plants, Regulations and Company Profiles" is the latest report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialists that offer comprehensive information and understanding of the thermal power market in Italy.

Morocco Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report - New Market Report

Logo"Morocco Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report", GlobalData's latest release, presents the essential information relating to the terms which govern investment into Morocco's upstream oil and gas sector. The report sets out in detail the contractual framework under which firms must operate in the industry, clearly defining factors affecting profitability and quantifying the state's take from hydrocarbon production. Considering political, economic and industry specific variables, the report also analyses future trends for Morocco's upstream oil and gas investment climate.

Market Report, "Argentina Power Report Q3 2014", Published

LogoPolitical and macroeconomic factors cast a shadow over the short-term development of Argentina's electricity sector. Protectionist policies have long defined the market, and as a consequence the electricity sector has suffered from underinvestment and inefficiency. Although Argentina is keen to build capacity and reduce its reliance on expensive energy imports, particularly given the recent devaluation of the peso, the current operating environment does little to attract investment. The sector's struggles were underlined by blackouts in Buenos Aires earlier in the year, which thrust the issue into the political spotlight. That said, prospects have improved in recent months, with the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announcing a series of macroeconomic and structural reforms, including a politically controversial reduction in consumer gas subsidies. Such moves suggest that the government is finally becoming serious about reform, and could set the scene for an improvement in the operating environment over the coming years. With elections looming in 2015, however, the medium-term outlook for the country's power sector remains as uncertain as ever. Are Leaders in Home Wind Turbine Technology Delivering Eco-Friendly Electricity Solutions to Residential Users specializes in Home Wind Turbine technology and delivers renewable energy solutions to residential users, who prefer them to the traditional energy sources.

ZeroGen Announces Seminars to Introduce New Technologies and Save Energy Costs

Australians are increasingly aware of the importance of finding sustainable, renewable sources of energy beyond carbon based fuels to reduce pollution, and dependence on finite fossil fuel resources. People desire to be able to leave a better, cleaner world for generations to come. ZeroGen, an Australian based enterprise with a passion for renewable energy - particularly solar energy - recently announced they will be holding a seminar for the purpose of educating homeowners as to how they can reduce their consumption of electricity in their homes, thereby saving substantial amounts of money. By making a few modifications in their daily habits plus the use of solar technologies, some of which are quite simple to implement, not only will individual homeowners save significant amounts of money, but also the nation as a whole will begin to move toward independence from carbon fuels.

Utility Fleet Sales Unveils Powerful New Inventory Search Tool

Equipment supplier Utility Fleet Sales announced the revamping of its web-based inventory browsing system. The company, one of the national leaders in the sales of new and used bucket trucks and other equipment, has recently completed a project designed to allow its prospective and existing customers to better sort through its extensive offerings on their own. The newly released tools, accessible at the company's home page, allow visitors to browse its extensive inventory through the application of a wide variety of powerful filters.

Thermal Power in Spain, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Power Plants, Regulations and Company Profiles - New Market Study Published

LogoThermal Power in Spain, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Power Plants, Regulations and Company Profiles" is the latest report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialists that offer comprehensive information and understanding of the thermal power market in Italy.