Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Reveals Extreme Weight Loss hCG Drops, Tablets and Injections That Target and Eliminate Unwanted Belly Fat

Diet Doc’s exclusive hCG drops, tablets and injections are the nation’s first choice for extreme weight loss and have successfully helped thousands of clients rid themselves of unattractive excess belly fat.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/29/2013 -- Dieters in America and all across the United States are starting to realize that changing their diet alone will not necessarily rid them of unwanted belly fat and fat in other hard to reach areas of the body. With today’s scientific advances in health and medical knowledge, people in America now have the option to increase the speed that they lose weight fast and achieve extreme weight loss results. As part of their extreme weight loss programs, Diet Doc recently revealed exclusive hCG drops, tablets and injections that mobilize excess fat storage in these hard to reach areas and effectively flush it from the patient’s body. Combining these treatments with healthy, low calorie foods has allowed patients to see fat melt away with some patients losing up to almost a pound of unwanted fat per day.

hCG is a naturally occurring hormone that was first discovered in the early 1950s by researcher A.T.W. Simeons. Produced by pregnant women, hCG directs unused fat storage to the growing fetus for nutrition when the mother does not have immediate access to food. When used as an extreme weight loss tool, hCG drops continue to target unwanted belly fat, but instead of directing it toward a fetus, it flushes it from the patient’s body. Once Simeons’ patients began incorporating hCG drops into their extreme weight loss programs, they not only saw immediate fat loss, they also experienced a significant decrease in their appetite and in cravings for unhealthy, fatty foods. This added benefit allowed patients to reevaluate their food choices and begin consuming a lower calorie diet that further assisted their goals to eliminate excess belly fat.

Today, Diet Doc’s extreme weight loss programs continue to offer patients the hCG drops and tablets originally developed by A.T.W. Simeons, but have used scientific advances to modernize their benefits and allow for a healthier diet program. While Simeons’ early plans encouraged a dangerously low caloric intake, Diet Doc’s belly fat fighting programs allow patients to consume a caloric intake of almost double that of the earlier plans. And, in addition to hCG drops and tablets, Diet Doc’s extreme weight loss programs now offer hCG injections that have been enhanced with vitamin B12 for increased energy levels throughout the day. Whichever form patients choose to receive their treatments as, they can feel confident that they will soon see unsightly fat melting away.

Diet Doc is committed to providing their clients the most rapid and effective road to belly fat elimination and has seen the immediate results that come from combining a healthy meal and snack plan with hCG drops, tablets or injections. In a recent in-house survey, an overwhelming majority of Diet Doc patients reported quickly losing excess belly fat without any undesirable side effects or consequences.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg