G3 Development

G3 Development (Utah) Was Awarded Fayette County Georgia Quality in Business Certificate for Providing the Best Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Reputation Management Expertise and Social Media Professionalism for Baton Rouge Louisiana


Draper, UT -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/23/2013 -- Grow A Business With Localized Web Traffic From THEIR OWN Google-Friendly Blog Website! G3 Make's It Easy...

Google ranks websites based on the relevance, freshness, and content structure. G3 creates powerful custom content for the client that search engines LOVE based on important keywords about their business type and location. Then, G3 will merge that content with specific details the client's have given them about The client themselves! The result...? A powerful web presence that helps propel the client to the top of search results!

G3 Development Writes "Powerful Custom Content" Specific to THE CLIENT!

G3 localize's their content

G3 includes relevant keywords and optimized links

G3 Publishes the Clients Content at the Right Frequency!

Appeals to search engines like Google

Search engines index the clients information SOONER

G3 Creates and Manages the Tools For the Cleint!

G3 provides the blog

G3 provides the hosting

As the cleints new blog site begins to fill with content, and they establish a web presence, search engines begin to notice, index, and list them in their results. This is often referred to as "Organic SEO". The more custom content they have, the higher the site climbs in search results. If they're new to blogging and web marketing, G3 understands. For the most part, they'll take care of things for the client. However if they would like to get involved, G3 created an easy-to-follow instructions and a cool video library to help them become more familiar with their new blog site. G3 Development provides access to these resources once the client has established an account.

G3 Development (Utah) was Awarded Fayette County Georgia Quality in Business Certificate for Providing the Best Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Reputation Management Expertise and Social Media Professionalism for Baton Rouge Louisiana

~If one thinks about “the real reason why” they need to engage in Social Media, it all boils down to these basics:

(a)   Forming the right relations and
(b)   Doing so the right way

~Many business leaders are still at the fundamental stage of asking, “Why is Social Media important for my business?”

~This very question begs another question:

“Have you been paying attention to the marketplace?”

Ok, so, most people will answer these questions quite easily.  And here’s how it usually goes: “Yes, of course I’ve been paying attention to the marketplace and Social Media is obviously important because it seems to be everywhere one turns.  One is hearing about Social Media but still have the need to understand why the businesses using it and why is it creating so much attention.”  The answer to “Why” is related to “How and What” a business does to engage in market relations with the aim of creating an opportunity for a business transaction.  Why do businesses exist?  Primarily to:

(a) Create value and
(b) Attract a market who wants the value proposition enough to engage.

However, the “How” of doing this has dramatically changed in the last 2 years from “Push Marketing” to “Pull Marketing.”  This transformation has all happened via relevant and relative conversations that attract the market one will seek to the client.

When people needed or wanted something in the old days, they’d look up information in the yellow pages.  Today, people turn to search engines to find what they want or need.

Each day, on average, Google searches currently total over 400,000,000.  When people are looking to purchase something they want/need, more-and-more they’re going “on line” to find out what other people think or say about a certain product, service or brand.  The relevancy that influences people’s buying behavior is other people’s conversations.  That’s if they can find a conversation and if it provides the value that people are looking for.  If one can learn “how” to use social media correctly then they’ll understand “what” the market is looking for and “where” they are looking.

To sum up:
For many, the Web isn’t a place to look for information — it’s the only place.

About Us
G3 Mission Statement:
To proactively serve our business community by providing solutions in entrepreneurialism, business development, social media and venture capitalism.

G3 Vision Statement:
To provide leadership in establishing strength with our client’s international businesses, being built on a foundation of innovation, advocacy, technology and business integrity

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