
Global Human Growth Hormone Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast Report: 2015 Edition

The Report Global Human Growth Hormone Market Report: 2015 Edition provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -


Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/28/2015 -- Pituitary - the master gland of human body is responsible for controlling crucial hormonal secretion, which, in turn, regulates other key aspects of the body such as temperature, growth, thyroid functioning, urination, and production of other hormones. It is a pea sized gland situated at the base of brain and is a major component of human body as it expedites the response towards the surrounding environment and settings.

Any deformity or damage to the pituitary gland can adversely impact the production and activity level of the above mentioned hormones, thereby affecting the body work process and stunting the outcomes especially in the case of growth hormone. Marred pituitary function leads to either over or under secretion of the somatropin that is the growth hormone. Its over secretion causes disfiguration in the body parts like hands, face, feet, etc. whereas, its deficiency impedes the growth of body parts/whole body, thus leading to disease states like dwarfism or gigantism.

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It is observed that the growth hormone related problems usually affect children and teenagers, but it is seen to grip adults as well though to a lesser extent. The major factors which vitiate the pituitary operations thus impairing the GH role include kidney malfunction, tumors/cancer especially associated with brain. There are some other unknown causes as well which are termed as idiopathic. Earlier, to deal with these predicaments, growth hormone used to be extracted from the human cadavers but, as time passed and evolution of technology/tools/techniques/R&D took place, the extraction of GH also got altered and many novel innovations and discoveries were made in the respective field.

Nowadays, many leading companies are heavily involved in the R&D process for devising longer acting and sustained release versions of the somatropin which are produced using the recombinant technology. The competition prevalent in the respective industry is heating up day by day. The human growth hormone market is monopolized by a few players viz. Pfizer, NovoNordisk, Eli Lilly, Sandoz and Roche.

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The global HGH report discusses the key ongoing trends like global agreement for Long-Acting Human Growth Hormone (HGH-CTP), increasing use of biosimilar version of drugs and continuous growth of recombinant growth hormones market. On the industry development front, the current inclination is towards developing better treatments for Alzheimer's disease and advancements in needle free injections technology. Furthermore, the major factors driving the HGH market include rising cancer and CKD/ESRD cases and increasing healthcare expenditure on worldwide basis. In addition, a few factors posing challenges in front of the HGH industry are the problems in diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency, risks associated with use of recombinant growth hormone therapies and off-label HGH use which, to an extent, are hindering the growth and development of the same.

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