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Happy Mom Equals Happy Baby: Two-Decade Nurse & Mom of Six Urges Parents to Go with Their Gut in New Book

Michele Elkins’ ‘Happy Mom Equals Happy Baby’ empowers new mothers to do things their own way and not strive to parent by convention. With twenty-three years’ experience as a nurse and lactation consultant, Elkins has put all of her advice into practice with six children of her own. While on a mission to help mothers and their babies enjoy happier early years together, this writing project also served as vital therapy for the author after spending three years confined to her couch following the amputation of a leg.


Sterling, VA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/11/2014 -- Dr. Benjamin Spock had his own iron-clad set of child care rules, as does Gina Ford. However, a new book by a veteran nurse, educator and mother crushes this conventional advice with a simple philosophy; parent from the gut and both mother and baby will be happier.

Everything is divulged in ‘Happy Mom Equals Happy Baby’ by Michele Elkins, who has twenty-three years’ experience as an RN and lactation consultant. Being the mother of six beautiful children, Elkins knows first-hand that trying to be the perfect parent often results in frustration and mistakes. Through her new book, the author seeks to empower new mothers to parent more naturally and trust their new-found instincts.


A realistic view of babies and parenting, from a mom of 6 with 23 years experience as a nurse and lactation consultant. My style of parenting is always happy mom equals happy baby, regardless of how you choose to feed or parent. There is no one right way. My views are based on my observations and experiences both in the hospital and in my own life. I have taught and taken care of a ton of new parents, my views are based on this, with a touch of humor thrown in.

“This book covers the newborn phase; including labor, feeding and the resulting hospital stay – all from a professional and personal ‘insider’ perspective,” explains Elkins. “There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting and constant judgment from the public and media puts unrealistic expectations on mothers. When they try to conform – all goes to pot. My book will show them how to parent from the heart, be happy and see their child’s development flourish as a result.”

For Elkins, this writing project has deeply-personal significance.

“In 2011 I broke my ankle and was forced out of my job as a Registered Nurse. I finally decided to get my leg amputated which radically changed my life and saw me mostly sat on the sofa, instead of running around clinics and hospitals as I had done for over two decades. A friend suggested that I put my time and experience to good use, and this book is the result. While I can’t actively nurse these days I have an abundance of personal and professional wisdom to share; this is still nursing and I hope to make a real difference to the lives of new mothers and their children,” she adds.

‘Happy Mom Equals Happy Baby’ is available now: http://amzn.to/1jtw4tc.

About Michele Elkins
Michele Elkins is a mother of 6 children. She is also a registered nurse, educator, and lactation consultant with 23 years’ experience in the field. She has been a child birth instructor and breastfeeding instructor. She has worked in the hospital setting for 23 years. She has worked as a postpartum nurse, labor nurse, and a lactation consultant. She also owned and operated a consulting and doula/service business called Best Fed Babies for 10 years. This book was written based on experience, observation, and the humor of parenthood.