Masterfully crafted by Linda Maricheau, ‘Have You Seen My Glasses’ tells the story of Lucy Duck, who has trouble finding the time to go swimming while keeping her new egg warm. Thankfully, her colorful cast of technology-bearing animal friends steps into help. While whimsical and enchanting, Maricheau is using her narrative to encourage children to push their boundaries, step out of their comfort zones and go the extra mile to help those in need.
Brooklyn, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/04/2014 -- With most modern-day children’s books putting their focus on the battles between good evil, many critics are worried that classic moralistic tales could be lost forever. However, a compelling and powerful new release from Linda Maricheau fuses modern-day literary thirsts with the educational undertones of yesteryear – by teaching children the importance of stepping in to help others.
‘Have You Seen My Glasses?’ tells the story of Lucy Duck who, after being unable to lay an egg for most of her life, finally finds herself with an egg to keep warm and dozens of other daily tasks to complete. Thankfully, her animal friends are always willing to sit on the egg for her and play with their laptops and cellphones, while Lucy takes a much-needed swim.
“With this type of story, it is vital not too be overly-preachy and to make the narrative accessible to young readers,” says Maricheau. “So, each animal is laden with technology ranging from cellphones to MP3 players and even the beloved iPad. The use of technology plays heavily within the story, ranging from simple calls to each other as the animals arrange their helping schedule – right through the inclusion of MaxxD who wants to be a rapper and won’t go anywhere without his iPod!”
Continuing, “Ultimately, though, it’s a tale about stepping into help when help is needed. I encourage my readers to explore outside their comfort zones, push their personal boundaries and be charitable with their time and resources. It’s a vital life lesson that I am wrapping up in a new and interesting way, so that it resonates with today’s youth.”
To date, the book has attracted a string of rave reviews.
"My son Samir loves this book. Every night for the past week we have been reading two pages a night. Since Samir and I started reading this book his speech has improved and he is now sounding out his words, keep in mind he is only two years old. As a mother I recommend this book to all parents... And we can't wait for the next book to come out,” says one parent.
Another was equally as impressed, adding, "My son Jeremiah loves to read this book Have You Seen My Glasses?. One day when I was cleaning his room I saw the book on the bed and proceeded to read it. Once I started to read it I couldn't put it down. Now I see why he loves it, it is a well written book with many pictures of different kinds of animals. Also the story is amazing, I became intrigued to see how these different types of animals came together to help a friend in need. Its a great way to show children how friendships and helping friends are important. I recommend this book to parents and their kids."
‘Have You Seen My Glasses?’, published by Xlibris, is available now:
For more information, and to keep abreast of the author’s busy reading schedule, visit:
About Linda Maricheau
Linda Maricheau lived in Brooklyn, New York. She currently works as a substitute teacher for the New York City Department of Education.