Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Updated Prescription hCG Diets, Providing Medically Supervised, Safe & Fast Weight Loss to Thousands

Diet Doc has taken the most promising aspects of the original outdated 1950s hCG diet and engaged prescription hCG with personally designed diet meal plans, offering a more rapid and safer method for fast weight loss.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/31/2013 -- Human Gonadotropin, or hCG, was first discovered to be effective in rapid weight loss in the 1950s when Dr. A.T.W. Simeons combined the hormone with 500-calorie per day hCG diet plans. Although this combination was effective in producing fast weight loss, the ultra-low calorie diet was not sufficient to sustain the human body.

Benefiting from decades of scientific research, Diet Doc has taken the most promising aspects of the original outdated 1950s hCG diet and engaged prescription hCG with personally designed diet meal plans that are specific to each patient’s individual medical history, lifestyle, activity level and nutritional needs, making the modernized hCG diet plans a more effective and healthier means of losing excess weight. Customized hCG diet plans now allow up to 1250 calories per day and incorporate a wider range of delicious and healthy food choices to the menu making them more interesting while promoting more fast weight loss, motivating the dieter to continue to follow the diet.

Because Diet Doc utilizes the most current technology, the company can reach those in even the most remote regions of the country. Even those who find it difficult or impossible to attend a weight loss clinic in Houston, Texas can begin their fast weight loss journey simply by dialing the phone or logging onto the computer.

The professionals at Diet Doc combine information obtained in a detailed, yet simple, medical evaluation followed by a doctor consultation, to design personalized hCG diet plans for each patient. Diet Doc's pure prescription hCG will be dispensed directly to patients’ doors in a couple days and is typically administered once daily in the privacy of their own home. The powerful combination of prescription hCG and the patient specific hCG diet plans has the ability to signal the brain to target the body's fat reserves to be released into the bloodstream. Because the uniquely developed hCG diet plans are low in carbohydrates, this fat is used as the primary source of energy, burning years of trapped fat that is typically stored in the underarms, hips, thighs and belly, usually the most difficult areas to lose. The result is a leaner, slimmer and healthier body with patients looking and feeling better than ever before.

Diet Doc remains steadfast in their commitment to provide the best hCG diet plans available, and offers only pure prescription hCG that is manufactured in FDA approved pharmacies in the United States. This potent hormone cannot be found in stores and is available by prescription only to Diet Doc clients, both in Houston and nationwide. Available in sublingual tablets, oral hCG drops and injectable solution, the latter continues to be the most preferred method among patients. Aside from promoting more fast weight loss, powerful injectable hCG solution naturally suppresses the appetite and has been fortified to include natural energy-boosting Vitamin B12, allowing patients to lose weight fast without loss of energy and without between-meal cravings.

To assure that each dieter experiences the healthiest, safest and most fast weight loss possible, Diet Doc's dedicated board certified doctors, nurses, nutritionists and consultants develop a personal relationship with each patient with weekly communication to monitor and guide the patient.

Diet Doc’s prescription hCG diet plans are uniquely created for those that have tried unsuccessfully to lose that difficult last 10 pounds to those that must lose 100 pounds or more. Diet Doc urges everyone who has been unsuccessful in the past to pick up the phone and call today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and to join the thousands of Americans that are feeling and looking better than ever before by losing excess weight.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg