Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces hCG Diet Plans That Promote Fast Weight Loss to Reduce the Risk of Developing Dangerous Sleep Apnea

Diet Doc’s hCG diet plans promote safe and fast weight loss, helping patients enjoy a more restful, uninterrupted sleep to reduce the development of sleep apnea and its dangerous complications.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/16/2013 -- Sleep apnea is a very common; however, an often undiagnosed sleeping disorder that occurs when one ceases to breathe for up to 20 seconds. Sleep apnea can occur hundreds of times during sleep. Symptoms may include loud snoring, awaking with a dry mouth or sore throat, morning headaches, restless or fitful sleep, very shallow breathing, long pauses in breathing and choking, snorting, or gasping during sleep. These pauses in breathing interrupt the normal sleep pattern prohibiting the body from benefiting from a normal sleep rhythm which leads to daytime sleepiness, loss of energy, poor concentration and slow reflexes during daytime hours, and can sometimes even lead to death.

Obstructive sleep apnea is much more common in obese persons. It is thought that the airway becomes obstructed by large tonsils, enlarged tongue and increased fat in the neck, all pressing on the airway when the throat muscles are relaxed during sleep. Diet Doc has developed hCG diet plans that promote safe and fast weight loss that focus on helping patients get their sleep back on track and begin to enjoy a more active lifestyle with increased self-confidence, feeling alert and refreshed after sleep and looking better than ever before by losing excess and dangerous weight.

Decades of scientific research have allowed Diet Doc the opportunity to offer healthy and fast weight loss to thousands of Americans. By combining prescription hCG with personalized hCG diet plans that are developed specifically to each patient's nutritional needs, as well as health-related symptoms and diagnoses, Diet Doc has become the nation’s leader in medically supervised, prescription only hCG diet plans.

Based on information obtained during a simple, yet detailed, medical evaluation and physician consultation, certified nutritionists will design individualized hCG diet plans that are unique to each patient's personal dietary needs. With the utilization of the most current technology, even those patients that find it difficult to attend a weight loss clinic in Champagne Illinois can lose weight quickly and safely without travel and from the comfort of their own home.

Due to its convenience, as well as the ability to promote more fast weight loss while suppressing hunger and boosting energy levels, the most preferred method of hCG delivery among patients is painless injectable solution. The powerful blend of Diet Doc’s 100% pure injectable hCG, coupled with the patient specific and uniquely designed hCG diet plans, promote healthy and fast weight loss without side effects. This combination triggers the brain to release fat that has been stored in the body’s cells to be released into the bloodstream where it is burned as the body’s primary source of energy. This stored fat is typically trapped in the belly, underarms, hips and thighs, characteristically the most stubborn areas to lose. Because this dynamic duo releases trapped fat from these areas, patients are excitedly noticing the loss of pounds and inches in these difficult regions.

Patients that commit to becoming healthier by following the Diet Doc protocol receive personalized hCG diet plans and personal attention from the professional weight loss experts, always at the end of a toll free call. Each patient’s diet journey is medically supervised and progress is closely monitored with free scheduled weekly consults. This personalized service alerts doctors of any weight loss plateaus or issues that may be hindering fast weight loss, allowing them to identify and resolve the problem quickly.

By providing only pure prescription hCG, diet plans that are unique to each patient’s personal needs, and support, guidance and encouragement from a professional team of weight loss experts, Diet Doc has become the leading prescription hCG diet plan in the country, helping thousands of Americans achieve extreme and long term weight loss success while looking better and feeling better, enjoying increased self-confidence and self-esteem, and avoiding a myriad of weight related conditions and illnesses including sleep apnea.

Call America’s most trusted and reliable medical weight loss program today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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San Diego, CA

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