Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Introduces Refined and Refurbished Healthy Diet Meal Plans Designed to Trim Pounds and Improve Health

Diet Doc offers all Americans the opportunity to become healthy by losing excess weight with a newly designed, all inclusive, modern day version of the original hCG diet plans that generate fast and successful weight loss and better health.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/16/2013 -- Losing excess fat is about improving one’s quality of life by avoiding weight related diseases, feeling comfortable and confident, and having more energy to enjoy life. Decades of scientific research have allowed the experts at Diet Doc to refine and refurbish the original outdated 1950s hCG diet meal plans and offer patients the leading modern day version of this diet.

In the 1950s, researcher Dr. A.T.W. Simeons discovered that hCG, a naturally occurring hormone was effective in promoting fast weight loss when coupled with a 500 calorie per day diet meal plan. The plan was successful; however, the ultra-low caloric intake prescribed by Simeons posed health risks to patients. Diet Doc does not support this dangerously low calorie hCG diet and provides safe and equally effective hCG diet meal plans that allow the patient to consume up to 1250 healthy and delicious calories per day without compromising results. Rich in essential nutrients, Diet Doc’s new hCG diet meal plans incorporate a wide range of food choices, maintaining the patient’s interest while generating weight loss at an amazing rate.

Available in three convenient and easy to use preparations, hCG cannot be found on store shelves and is available to patients by prescription only subsequent to a satisfactory medical evaluation and doctor consultation. While the majority of patients prefer painless injectable hCG solution, others may prefer sublingual tablets or oral hCG drops. Regardless of the method of delivery, patients very quickly notice a reduction in pounds and inches. Because injectable hCG naturally suppresses the appetite, as well as being enhanced with energy boosting Vitamin B12, dieters are not reporting loss of energy or between meal cravings.

The powerful combination of medically supervised hCG and Diet Doc’s personalized hCG diet meal plans has the ability to stimulate the hypothalamus to target stores of trapped within the body’s own fat cells. This fat is released into the bloodstream and used as fuel when the body needs energy. This stored fat is typically stored in the very difficult to lose areas of the body, such as the belly, underarms, hips and thighs. Patients are losing pounds and inches in these most stubborn areas without strenuous exercise and typically without side effects too often associated with the outdated 500 calorie Simeons hCG diet plans.

All Diet Doc prescription products are manufactured in the United States in FDA approved pharmacies using the highest manufacturing standards. Diet Doc offers only 100% pure pprescription hCG that is refined to a simple glycoprotein. hCG is not synthetic, a metabolic steroid, a new growth hormone or a stimulant. Because Diet Doc provides only the highest quality prescription products, the company has become the most reliable and trusted prescription hCG diet plan provider in the nation.

Each patient’s transition to a future of improved health by losing excess weight is fully supervised by Diet Doc’s exert weight loss staff, including board certified professionally trained fast weight loss doctors and nurses. Scheduled weekly communication assures that each patient is successfully losing weight without side effects. This personalized service alerts the doctor of any issues that may be hindering fast weight loss, as well as weight loss plateaus, allowing them to identify and quickly resolve the problem before results taper.

Diet Doc invites and encourages anyone that needs to lose weight rapidly, safely and successfully to call the nation’s premiere fast weight loss program today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg