Self publishing expert shares strategies for how to write a book that not only kicks butt, but makes money in the process.
San Diego, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/13/2014 -- According to self published author Michael Rogan, author of the tome "How to Write a Book That Doesn't Suck," learning how to write a book that makes money isn't some rarified skill learned in an M.F.A. writing program or a decades-long quest to find an audience.
It's simply about making smart choices, first, before writing a book.
"I find too many authors learning how to write a book spend so much time, often years, trying to get that ONE book perfect," says Rogan. "But what newbie authors don't realize is its your catalog of books that make you money, not one single book."
Helping authors "realize the potential of a collection of books" Rogan created a Pinterest pinboard entitled "Tips for How to Write a Book That Doesn't Suck" to help authors make more money with their self publishing efforts. "I chose Pinterest for all those writers out there who have even less attention span than I do."
With tips such as "find your why" and "ask a question in every chapter" Rogan provides a no-nonsense approach to helping writers find a simple, yet effective, structure for writing their book.
"The key to making this self publishing thing take off is to increase your output," says Rogan. "And you do that by thinking less, and writing more."
"And if you can write more, and sweat the small stuff less, you'll find a full-time writing career before you know it."
Self Pub Nation is an inbox magazine devoted to helping authors get noticed, get published, and get paid. For a copy of the new eBook "7 Secrets to Making a Damn Good Living With Your Writing" head over to Self Pub Nation.