Masterfully crafted by Lu Ann Petitt, ‘Hunter’s Big Day’ started off as a simple art project and has since grown into an enchanting and fantastical children’s adventure book that now needs a publisher. Young Hunter has a wild imagination, and has plenty of stories to share with Mom as he becomes a hero, saves his baby sister from a bear and even cuddles a lion! But there’s a serious message; every child’s ideas are valid and deserve attention from a supporting family.
Fletcher, NC -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/24/2014 -- Author Lu Ann Petitt has spent her entire life working in ministry. While she has met a wealth of inspirational and incredibly-positive souls, she has also learned of the detriment children suffer if they don’t have a loving, supportive family. To prove that all children have ideas worth listening to and sharing, Petitt has transposed her ministry into a compelling new book.
‘Hunter’s Big Day’ started off as an art project and, after giving birth to her own child called Hunter, Petitt dedicated the book to him and his imaginative spirit.
‘Hunter’s Big Day’ is all about imagination, and the ways that children see the world as a big adventure. Even everyday experiences like petting a kitty or riding on Daddy's shoulders becomes an adventure of taming a lion or conquering a giant! As Hunter plays, talks to his Mommy, rides on Daddy's shoulders, and takes his bath, he imagines himself as a hero!
The book draws the readers in with touch and feel opportunities on every page! The book begins at the end of Hunter's day, when he comes in after a long day of playing, and excitedly tells his Mommy the wonderful adventures he encountered. He starts by telling her that he was a hero many times over that day! Mommy encourages Hunter to tell her all about it. In his first adventure, Hunter saves his baby sister from a bear. When he sees the teddy bear on Casey's lap, he imagines himself saving her from a real bear. The child who is having the book read to him/her can feel the bears fuzzy ears! Hunter's second big adventure takes place when he is riding on Daddy's shoulders. Hunter imagines Daddy as a giant who is tearing up the house, but Hunter, our little hero, gets him out of the house. At this point, the reader can feel the giant's rough beard! Next, when Hunter goes outside to play, he cuddles his kitty cat in his lap. However, Hunter imagines that is kitty is a lion. Hunter tames the lion!
The child reading the book can touch and feel the lion's hairy mane. Mommy is amazed at her little hero and tells him that it sounds like he has had a very busy day! Mommy tells Hunter that it is time for his bath. In the tub, Hunter has a toy boat and that sets off his imagination for still more adventures as, on this last page, Hunter imagines himself on a pirate ship!
“This is an incredibly important book that transcends a simple story to help children develop the deep connection, love, acceptance and place in God’s world that they crave,” explains the author. “I’ve seen too many children believe that their dreams are not important just because adults won’t listen to them. Hunter may have some off-the-wall things to say, but his family listens to him and embraces them – making Hunter an incredibly happy little boy.”
Continuing, “I want to inspire all to live a life of adventure, Listen to each other, share stories, and share imaginations and thoughts with each other. ”
But, for this bold project to come to fruition, Petitt requires a publisher and help getting her book to market.
“I know exactly how this book will look; it will have thick pages so that kids can’t tear them, and have a small handle on the spine so they can carry it around with them everywhere they go. My vision is big and I need help to get there. I am actively encouraging all interested parties to make immediate contact,” she adds.
‘Hunter’s Big Day’ is due for release shortly.
About Lu Ann Petitt
Lu Ann Petitt is a native of Spartanburg, SC. She now lives in Fletcher, NC with her husband Mark and son Hunter. Lu Ann has worked in all sorts of ministries and knows that we all need love, encouragement, laughter and grace! Lu Ann loves laughing and having fun with the people she loves and sharing the love and joy so freely given to us by God!