Wichita, KS -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/18/2014 -- Hydraulic Online is pleased to announce that they have become a Qualtrics partner, the first in Wichita and one of only a few firms to offer Qualtrics’ new site intercept program.
Site intercept is a relatively new cloud-based, data-based technology that works with websites to increase visitors’ custom experiences on the site. The advanced technology uses data known about visitors to serve custom content based on that knowledge. The goal is to better website visits with better outcomes, such as more time on site, more page views, better engagement, and higher conversions.
“Web sites have a common problem, and that is they remain largely static,” said Hydraulic’s Michael Costello. “Site intercept creates more online ‘real estate’ that presents information pertinent to that unique visit without changing the site itself.”
Site intercept targets visitors with powerful and intelligent logic, using up to two dozen pieces of information about the visitor, including their domain, the page they came from, their cookies, the referring site, search terms, their physical location, their platform, web browser, time on site, page views and more.
Depending on the mix of variables, creative messages are then presented that are meaningful to that visitor. The customization helps visitors get the information they came for, faster and better.
For instance, a site visitor from one state might see different information than a visitor from another state. Or, if site traffic tends to bounce after so many seconds, messages can appear just prior to engage that visitor and extend time on site and page views.
There are also sophisticated online research and surveys that can be deployed.
“Overall, Hydraulic aims to better market clients’ websites and gain more conversion from the online traffic,” says Costello. “Hydraulic is committed to researching and developing leading technologies and presenting them to our Midwestern clients.”
According to Qualtrics based in Provo, Utah, Hydraulic is the only reseller nationally that offers site intercept on a month-to-month or project basis, along with the qualified staff to deploy the tool on behalf of clients.