Recently published research from Markets and Markets, "Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) Market - Global Forecast & Analysis (2012 - 2017)", is now available at Fast Market Research
Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/04/2012 -- Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) Market - Global Forecast & Analysis (2012 - 2017) By Technology (Wireless HART, ISA100.11a, 6loWPAN, Proprietary, Other); By Components (Sensors, Microcontroller Chips, & Communication Modules); By Applications (Oil & Gas, Water and Wastewater, Food & Beverages, Automotive, Power, Chemicals, Metal & Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Paper & Pulp); By Geography (Americas, Europe, APAC, ROW)
Wireless data transmission in manufacturing and process control automation is gaining importance from both - market leaders and medium and small-sized companies. Successful usage of wireless sensors networks in industrial control systems such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) proves that these devices can effectively address the needs of industrial applications. With sensors getting smarter, smaller, lighter, and cheaper, the use of wireless sensor networks in industrial applications is growing by leaps and bounds. Temperature, pressure, level, and flow are the most measured parameters and sensors for these properties are common in the processing world. The other wireless sensors such as those for position, proximity, image, and security find large-scale use in manufacturing and process control applications. The "Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Market" report forecasts deployment of wireless sensors in industries such as Oil & Gas, Water and Wastewater, Food & Beverages, Automotive, Power, Chemicals, Metal & Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Paper and Pulp, Others (Textile, Printing, Packaging etc).
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The report also segments the market by geographies such as Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World. Americas is segmented into two regions such as North America and South America, each of the geographic regions are further segmented by countries. Industrial wireless sensor networks market forecasts are provided for each region from 2012 through 2017. Information contained in the report includes market sizes, revenue forecasts, value chain, market & product trends and regulations. Competitive information includes market shares of leading producers, key developments, strategy deployed to win, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures of key manufacturers.
The IWSN report details the needs of production capabilities integrated with self-tuning, self-diagnosing, and optimizing features of modern process control, which can help make both - startup activities and operational routines simpler and more efficient.
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